The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, August 1, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Do you trust the government and this administration? I don't. Why? Because they do not keep their word or follow through on their promises, and they lie. This brings me to an issue that scares the hell of of me. One word" EBOLA.

The government says there is nothing to worry about. The EBOLA virus will not affect Americans.

The lethal outbreak in West Africa is not under control, far from it. Yet, our incompetent lawmakers are bringing at least TWO people that is infected with the lethal  virus into America. The powers to be who allowed this dumb move say that the two EBOLA infected people will be treated at Emory University Hospital, in Atlanta, GA,  in a sterile, contained environment. Really?  If there is even the slightest chance that this deadly virus (that has no cure) will be mishandled or transferred to another person the two infected people, Dr. Kent Brantly and aid worker Nancy Writebol should  have remained in Africa and  treated there.

Dr. Bruce Ribner, an infectious disease specialist at Emory said: "The reason we are bringing these patients back to our facility is because they deserve the highest level of care offered for their treatment."  Hell, the facility where the patients are to be treated was built a DECADE ago. Outdated? Maybe. Dr. Ribner says the two infected patients will receive "SUPPORTIVE CARE. I submit that care could have been performed in Liberia just like it is already being done there.
Imagine, the patient Dr. Brantly was  taken to Emory with helicopters flying over the Hospital; law enforcement surrounding the facility and the ambulance crews had to wear very specialized protective gear while transporting. And the government and consultants say- NOT TO WORRY.

The facility at Emory has only been used to treat SARS patients which turned out the suspected patients did not have the disease.But now this old facility is about to TRY to treat patients with the known death sentence disease EBOLA.  If American health care workers are to treat the infected people, that team should be sent to Africa to render aid, not in AMERICA.

Folks, the State Department had a big hand in this evacuation and transfer of these infected people to the U.S. while really not knowing what causes the fatal, deadly virus, let alone how to treat someone infected. Our government at work, AGAIN.

I would like to go on record saying that the administration, the State Department and the looney toon doctors and consultants that had the bright idea to bring the EBOLA killer to the U.S. is playing a game of Russian Roulette with the American people. Whatever happened to the oath, protect Americans and the United States? Again it is ignored by lawmakers.

I have no doubt that if  the CDC can set up a( Ha! Ha!) safe environment here in the United States, they indeed can do the same in Africa. We should keep this ugly, deadly killing virus isolated from the USA, at all costs.

According to our government-this will be the first time an EBOLA infected person will  be treated in the United States. That should not be the case. That's nothing to be proud of. Ebola in any shape or form should NOT be brought into the USA. There is no cure or treatment for this virus  -- so, why bring it into the country? The workers that went to Africa to work with the EBOLA knew the risks but apparently, for some reason (i.e) mishandling, came down with the Ebola virus.

Folks, this lethal killer has already spread to other countries. An infected person even boarded a plane and traveled to several countries. What does that tell you about transmission? How many other people may have been infected? In Africa, the health workers have to wear special protective gear and family members of the dead have to be instructed on how to handle the dead bodies.

Our government officials tell us " Americans should not fear that the epidemic will take hold in the USA, because  the fatal virus is contagious only when a patient is "sick with symptoms" of the disease. The virus is spread with  direct contact with bodily fluids.  They tell us the Ebola virus is not airborne, so people would have to come  in direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. Well, no poop! It doesn't take much to have any person transfer body fluids to another person.  These may include blood, even sweat,  vomit, feces,  urine, saliva and semen. They go on to say  making transmission through "casual contact," in a public setting is UNLIKELY. The key word here is "unlikely." How many people have you seen that doesn't wash their hands in a public place like a restaurant when they leave a urinal or toilet stall after they have a bile movement? Result, feces on their hands. How many times have you seen health care  professionals in doctors offices and hospitals NOT wash their hands before treating you?  Sweat? People sweat all the time in public. Semen? Sexual intercourse is a given. It's rampant.  Again, one word about semen and sexual intercourse - "AIDS."

But the government will have you believe that the deadly EBOLA will not affect the general population in America. They say, "no need to panic." People, that is what the government usually says when there is a threat from any virus, environmental disaster, disease, etc., --. When have you ever heard the government talking heads admit that there is a problem, step up to the plate and take responsibility? I would say, mostly never.

Lets not forget the small pox outbreak that killed off a very large number of our Native American population; lets not forget the flu virus that killed tens of thousands of  people; then there was measles, typhoid fever. malaria and cholera that was let loose on the general population, just to name a few.

Folks, the early symptoms of EBOLA is fever,  muscle aches and sore throat.  It can be difficult to distinguish  between Ebola and malaria, typhoid fever an cholera. It's only the later stages of Ebola that people begin bleeding internally and externally, often through the nose and ears and other orifices.

What about the nuclear fall out of  the Atomic weapons being tested in Nevada; the agent Orange killer in Vietnam, the insecticides that were sprayed on United States cities killing animals and people. the Syphilis experiments that killed hundreds of Black men, the LSD experiments and yes, don't forget the HIV/Aids virus. We were told that it would not come to America from Africa, telling Americans it was isolated.

So, I ask you, what makes you believe that you can trust the word of the people that are now saying EBOLA being brought to the United States will  be contained? Hell, just recently the CDC mishandled small pox and anthrax AND these are the guys that's supposed to have a handle the EBOLA situation?

In most of the incidents mentioned above the government denied their participation and/or told the American people that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Other fiasco's our government and  so-called brainy researchers were involved in:  Remember the KILLER BEES? We were told that the experiments were safe and being conducted outside of the USA and there was no way the killer bees could escape and/or be released and ever come to America. Guess what? Killer bees were let loose on America killing people and animals and they now have a permanent foothold in America to this day. Don't forget the aggressive and killer species of animal and plant life that was turned loose in the United States killing fish, birds, trees, etc.

Just imagine all of the people that has already came in contact to some degree with these two infected patients. To  cite a few lets say: health care workers in Africa, the entire plane crew that transported the  infected patients to the United States, the ambulance crew that transports the patients to Emory Hospital; any and all staff at the facility.

Now imagine that this lethal EBOLA virus can be transmitted by means other that "contact by body fluids." The  supposed experts "DO NOT" really know. It's an educated guess on their part. However, all of the  heath care workers that will work in the facility around the infected patients will leave and go home every day, the crew of the plane and crew of the ambulance that transported the  patients to Emory will also go home each day having contact with the general population of America.

One of my suggestions to the government and any team handling and/or being involved with the transportation of the Ebola infected patients is: dispose of the aircraft that transported the patients; dispose of the ambulance that transported the patients; incinerate  and dispose of any and all medical equipment, clothing and materials  that was used to treat the infected patients.  Why? This non-curable, deadly disease may have"latent" aspects that not even the so-called experts are not aware of which may at some later date infect others that comes into contact with  the transport, materials, and devices used to care for the  two Ebola infected people.

Here are some questions for the government, the President and Congress and all of the alleged experts mouthing that there is no danger to Americans. The questions: What do the doctors and experts treating these two infected people intend to do with them now that they CARRY inside their body one of the most deadly and lethal viruses on this planet? Will they eventually release them? Will they let them go on with their lives and come in physical contact with family and strangers in public setting? Are the treating doctors going to eventually give these two infected Ebola patients a clean bill of health? If by chance the two infected patients do nor survive, what will they do with the bodies? Will the doctors and researchers keep and maintain some or parts of the body organs? If so, for what, and why? Again, these two infected patients should have been put in quarantine and isolated, IN AFRICA, for America's protection.

I  say that there is tons of unanswered questions when it comes to understanding this deadly virus and the arrogance of our lawmakers and many in the medical field is shameful.

I predict that once the EBOLA virus is brought into the United States (by these TWO) infected people -- IT WILL BE HERE for good. It will have it's start.  Mark my words, folks, the temptation of the idiot researchers of the government to handle it and work with it like kids with their play dough will go awry like all of the fiasco's that went before. It will be too late to re-cork the bottle.You can bet when it is unleashed the government people will use the excuse that they didn't see it coming.

Finally, I don't care if the two EBOLA infected people are Americans or polka dot aliens from another planet, they should not have been brought  back to the United States, PERIOD. -  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Bradley Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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