The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

 In order to boost healthcare for our veteran's the government wants to spend $17 BILLION DOLLARS. The government never learns, especially by their past mistakes. Instead their only solution is to throw money at the problem. The Congress wants to ding us taxpayers for $17 billion dollars and I predict that will not solve the  situation at the VA.

My suggestion to Obama, his  White House staff and Congress is to PRIVATIZE the  agency. Why? Because it is riddled with corruption where administrators and employees LIE, CHEAT and STEAL from us taxpayers. The VA has been taking billions of dollars from us for decades but instead of performing the jobs they were supposed to do they used the money to collect their bloated salaries plus over the top "BONUSES". My question to the agency would be: Why the bonuses? Employees in the private sector working  their nine- to five- jobs DO NOT receive bonuses. They work for their annual salary, vacations and, their 401(k) retirement plans.

The VA and their greed squandered billions of dollars, raping us taxpayers and  covering up their misdeeds. -- FOR YEARS, while congress and  Washington sat on their duffs with a wink and nod.

Since the investigation of the VA began and it was discovered that these lousy, incompetent, cheating employees served themselves for financial and personal gain and knowingly allowed hundreds, if not thousands of our veterans to DIE, the congress just this week said -- "get this" --TWO employees who were caught destroying files and evidence in the investigation should be fired. Really? Two people? Talk about a cover up?

So back to my original thought and suggestion: Privatize the VA, Immediately. People in the private sector could do a much better job that these lazy federal employees that only care about the enormous bonuses they  decided to  take from us taxpayers, their federal benefits and salary and lucrative retirement plan. The VA's policy as set by the administrators of the agency appears to be: The hell with the veterans, postpone their medical appointments, let them die. Just pay me.

Lawmaker Dina Titus wrote an editorial a few days ago saying to privatize the VA would be wrong because people in the private sector couldn't take care of veterans,. My reply to that silly, immature, crazy statement is this. Where does Ms. Titus think many of the the medical personnel working in the VA hospitals originally came from? They came from the private sector, Titus. The nurses, doctors and other health care professionals began their training in universities, hospitals and clinics outside the Veteran Administration. For her to say doctors and nurses in the private sector cannot competently treat veterans medical problems is ludicrous. Vets have the same health problems that any person in the country experiences and the health care professionals working in clinics and hospitals around the country treat these  ailments on a daily basis. Even PTSD and  brain and head trauma is treated by private sector  heath care  personnel every day in this country.

Dina Titus and her views is a good reason why we should have term limits for politicians.There once was the complaint of "fuzzy math" by some politicians  but in this case Titus is using "fuzzy thinking." I believe she is just looking out for her seat on committees in Washington and  spouting a party line. It's politics people ----

I say there is a great argument to privatize the VA. The doctors and health professionals in the private sector can and should treat the veterans of this country. They could do it better and cheaper. But I guess with the billions of dollars that congress is asking for and intends to dump back into this dysfunctional organization makes  Dina Titus and her ilk lips water  so they can continue the spending and maintain the status quo of the corruption perpetuated.

Finally, the idea of replacing the head of the VA saying that will fix the problem is  dumb. The new director  cannot change the culture of greed, lies, deception and cheating by the current administrators and employees working there.  He's peeing in the wind. It's just a  job to a friend of  politicians. The ONLY way to fix the VA -- PRIVATIZE and get rid of all the current employees on the job. -  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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