The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, May 10, 2014



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

This current economy is taking down the middle class and the poor, without a doubt. The rich keep getting rich and the middle class and poor struggle to survive.

Millions and millions of Americans go to bed at night worrying where their next meal will come from. Most Americans live on a fixed budget each and every week and if $10, $15, or $20.00 more is spent on the same food items for the same amount of food there is a clear breaking point for those families.

Pork, beef, chicken prices keep climbing. Lets not forget the veggies and fruits. They are over the top.

Even as food and gasoline prices rise across the country it appears Obama, the White House and congress are exempt from these  price increases. It's not only that most lawmakers in Washington are millionaires and multi-millionaires who  doesn't give a damn about the cost of food, they flaunt it in the face of us everyday citizens. For example, President Obama was observed recently leaving a $400- a-person sushi bar in Japan. His attitude, "I got mine", "who cares." He got his and the hell with the little people. He and  Washington lawmakers have no real clue as to the suffering of the American people in this war torn economy. It's a "let them eat cake" policy by Washington.

Folks, there are many families here in America that are eating dry cereals for breakfast and dinner because they cannot afford the high costs of food. USA Today found that eggs are up 5.7 percent; sausage up 8.7 percent;  potatoes up 6.9 percent; and citrus fruit, especially oranges up 12.2 percent.And, that's just a sampling. Other foods are out of the reach of many Americans.

The sad part of this mess is that once prices  go up they never seem to come down. The food distributors, farmers, producers,etc. hate to give up the higher prices even thought the food prices could be leveled off. Once they have that taste of the higher prices they don't want to return to the lower prices. It's greed people - -pure and simple. These producers, farmers, distributors never want  the prices to return to any "historical  norms" whatsoever.

Lets look at what's happening in the grocery stores. Sausage rings that used to be 16 ounces are now cut to 14, 13 and even 11 ounces; cans of soup are cut to 9 and 10 ounces. The same goes for coffee and  thousands of other grocery items.The size of the items are cut and reduced but the prices continue to increase. People, we are getting less and less product and paying more and more money for it. We Americans shouldn't have to live  like that.

I suggest that the American voter let these mentally-challenged, uncaring politicians know that enough is enough. The past few administrations have taken their eye off of what is needed in America. Rather than look out for us Americans they have kept us in a war for over a decade squandering our tax monies by giving it away to other nations like there was no tomorrow. What ever happened to "AMERICA FIRST?"

I say that if the lawmakers in Congress and this administration cannot get their act together and refuse to have the cost of food, gasoline and other essentials  brought back down to norms of the recent past.  My suggestion - - kick the idiots out of office. Whether the lawmaker is currently Democrat, Republican or Independent, get them out of office.

I believe the country needs a change, a drastic change. Ir is clear that over the past 10 years the country has been going downhill like a speeding train off the tracks. Vote these current individuals out of office. Give  a new crop of politicians a chance to change things.  Believe me when I say the new group in office couldn't do any worse than these current bunch of misfits. Give someone else a shot and if they can't deliver, dump them also. I say we can't keep putting these same millionaire clowns back in  the same office  and expect to have them change their thinking or ways. It will never happen. - -  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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