The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, May 16, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Here we go again folks. The United States government is playing Russian Roulette with American lives. I am talking about the MERS virus,(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). The virus originated in Saudi Arabia. This virus has spread very rapidly, mostly through travelers to seven countries. The virus infected nearly 600 people and killed 171 of those people.

According to the CDC there have been two confirmed cases in the United States in recent days. What does the CDC do with the infected people? They release them and let them go home.This killer virus has no cure and the  doctors allow the infected people to go home. There is no drug therapy to stop the killer virus. All the health care people do is help relieve the symptoms. Those symptoms are  fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

Hospitals and clinics are being issued technical bulletins - - BIG DEAL. That doesn't help much. For those that are infected with the virus 30 to 35 percent die. Infectious control doctors and specialists in the field do not know to any medical certainty how serious MERS is and how to prevent the spread of the virus.

What the health community does agree on is that the virus was found in camels and bats and it spreads through person-to-person contact, most often through relatives and health care workers.

The CDC had alerted airlines to be on the lookout for passengers exhibiting the MERS symptoms but my concern is that our nammby-pammby  government officials will let this virus get out of control and it will spread and infect hundreds if not thousands of individuals.

People, it's nothing new to have the government pull the wool over Americans eyes and lie to them about the seriousness of any incident. The government has a tendency to play down serious attacks of anything  that may put Americans at risk.

Instead of taking full control of the two cases that popped up in the United States the  doctors and government officials allowed the infected people to GET THIS - -go home. They told the infected  individuals to stay and home and  do not  leave the house. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Does any reasonable person really believe that the two infected people would stay house bound? For how long?  They will rationalize and make excuses why the should go outside the house, EVEN  for a short run to a store or visit with others. Folks, there was no monitoring of these infected people to verify if they indeed would stay inside their house .

My thought: The doctors and government officials should have not only checked all the people these two infected people were in contact with but should have isolated and quarantined the two for a substantial amount of time until the doctors and government were assured that  the virus was completely eradicated from the individuals.

It's  easy for any infected person (no matter what  virus, disease, etc.) may have to say to themselves: "I'll only been gone a few minutes." "I'll be back before you know it." They basically say anything to  continue their lives as they knew it before contracting a deadly or infectious disease.However, that type of rationale and decision making can cause  many other people to come down with the disease. As a good example, lets look at the millions of people who refuse to stay home from work when they have the flu or a serious cold. They  rationalize and decide that it's okay to infect many other people. Now, just imagine if that person had a deadly disease or virus - -WOW!

I believe at the present time we have two people infected with the killer virus,I predict in a short while we will see four, then eight, and so, on.

You can bet that once the virus spreads and gets out of hand the doctors, infection control specialists and government officials will tell Americans what they SHOULD have done in the beginning to control the situation. It's not unusual for the government to come up with excuses AFTER  THE FACT trying to explain what they missed and should have done better.

I would suspect that since the government does not want to rock any boats or offend other countries they will not take sufficient steps in order to check and/or  forbid people coming into the USA from Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and other Middle East countries. Politics at play?   Probably.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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