The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, November 11, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

This is in response to Judith H. in Sacramento, California.

Your Inquiry: You said your friend was once diagnosed with a "narcissistic personality disorder." You wanted to know what traits you should look out for. My work with patients who experience this disorder can been seen to display the following: So Judith,  in lay language - -

A narcissist is generally preoccupied with themselves, their own aspirations, preferences, and needs. They are very concerned about  their success and how others perceive them. A narcissist deals in taking care of themselves over and above anyone or anything else.

Judith: A narcissist comes n all types of shapes, sizes and different degrees. Basically he or she experiences a major  attachment disorder and many are locked into a childhood trauma. They become emotionally stuck at the time of their major trauma or at the time of the separation attachment.

This narcissistic person literally falls in love with themselves and is  really wrapped up in their own image. They pursue gratification from their own vanity or egotistic admiration of their physical and mental attributes - -which is usually derived from arrogant pride.

Judith, other traits relevant to the narcissist may be, but not limited to:
Him or her being a person that thinks they are the center of the world. The question being- How much attention does he or she need? Basically, they can't share attention with anyone.Also once the narcissist goes off they can't stop; they won't stop - - until they're ready. They go into a  "zone" all their own.

Being in love with a person that is narcissistic is like being on a roller coaster. They can be like a typhoon, level 5 or higher - -

A person like this is "all about me" and is insecure to their very depths. They tend to be jealous. Jealous of everything and everybody. They have to be the center of attention. They are a "one person train wreck."

Hope this helps you Judith. I appreciate the question. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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