The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, November 2, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

It's never over folks. These corrupt world leaders  keep coming back to us here in America with hat in hand asking for  more money and assistance.The Iraq leader, Al-Maliki is here in the U.S. asking Obama for more money, military assistance and protection for his country. What? We invaded Iraq and had troops there for years. Then we trained the Iraqi military forces so they could  protect their own country BUT now this guy wants still more from us United States taxpayers. He's like a baby sucking on a tit - - continually being fed and wanting to be fed by the U.S.

According to Al-Maliki it appears that his military is not up to the task of  protecting his own country. I ask, WHY NOT? The U.S.  spent billions of dollars in money and training for the Iraqi military and government to run a country and we also spent the treasure of blood of our young men and women. Christ, when is our job done?

We invade and attack countries and then we train their populace and military, give them billions of dollars, set them back up and tell them they should now be on their own but that is still not good enough. What ever happened to the old saying: "The spoils of war goes to the winner?" If that were the case we, the U.S. would own that country. That's sad, All we do is conquer a country, win a war but always build the country back up and give it back to the losers. WOW!

Once these corrupt leaders get a taste of  America's money and support they don't want to let it go. That's bad. Iraq, like other corrupt nations has had  the U.S. carry them, support them and protect them for years. Iraq got very comfortable and used to that care and now think it is our job to provide for them through eternity.

I submit that Obama and congress forgo giving more aid and comfort to Iraq. Any problems that come Iraq's way should be handled by their leader, their government and their military. It is their country now. Iraq should be able to stand on its own two feet without crying the blues to us here in America. We more than paid our dues getting that country up and running. We taxpayers suffered serious hardships here in the states while billions of our tax dollars went to that corrupt  nation.

I suggest Obama make it very clear to Al-Maliki that he is ON HIS OWN. Make it clear to this money-grubbing leader that he handle  problems that may occur in his country with his own resources. 

Personally people, I am fed up with leaders like Al-Maliki and Karzai, in Afghanistan thinking we owe them something - -WE DON'T. Instead of Obama pandering and enabling these God forsaken corrupt countries he should play hard ball and tough love. He should tell these  wishy-washy clowns  who play at leading  a country that he is turning off the spigot - - NO more billions of dollars to them or their country (which we all know they skim for themselves ) and build big, fat, secret bank accounts in other countries for their own, personal and future use.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email  at:

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