The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, September 8, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Right off the bat I would like to say FIRE the lawmakers that  vote to use a military strike against Syria. I don't care if the Washington lawmakers are, Democrats, Republicans or Independents and i don't care if they have been in Washington for one term or 12 terms. Folks, if  they (lawmakers) vote with Obama to use any type of military might against Syria - -GET RID OF THEM, Vote them out of office. A yes vote to act against Syria DEMANDS that these  idiots with such a  small mentality who refuse to listen to the American people for their own benefit should be history. Watch the vote people and dump all of the Washington fat cats that vote "yes" on any military action. I certainly intend to do just that and I intend to try to convince any friends, relatives, associates and  any other person I talk to to vote against any person in Washington that issues a "yes" vote on this matter.

Obama is still rattling the sabers and beating the war drums trying to gather support for a military strike on Syria even though the majority of the American people do not want the  United States involved in the Syrian civil war in any way. Where is the policy of working for the American people and doing their business? This looney tune idea of President Obama's is ignoring the wishes of the American people.

I think that Obama's ego is over the top. It looks as though his reason for missiles and possible air strikes on Syria is to make up for his failure in handling the domestic problems here at home and his failure as a statesman and politico on the world stage. His feeling is hurt and he wants to strike out with support from people like Secretary for Defense, John Kerry, Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senator John McCain. This entrenched group of "play- and- go- along outdated politicians are  screaming that the USA should make a point by using a military strike because if we don't strike the rest of the world will believe the USA is weak. I say it takes a greater person to back away from a fight rather than mix it up. Acting Macho is no good reason to duke it out, in any arena.

Hell the American people, Russia and a number of other  world powers are agaist any military strike on Syria by Obama. Even the Pope  came out against this proposed strike but Obama, Kerry, McCain, Boehner and other war mongers doesn't want to lose face. Can you imagine that? A war over losing face? If it were up to me I would tell Obama (" Hey, turn the other cheek.")

Here's my reminder to the American people, Pol Pot killed close to TWO MILLION of his countryman and we stood by and the world went on with their lives. Remember Rwanda? The Tutsi/Hunta massacres? We didn't intervene in that mess either. Then there was Idi Amin who slaughtered over HALF MILLION of his people. We didn't intervene there either. And rightly so. It was none of our business. The world got along just fine and  the situations were resolved in their own way and time  WITHOUT our bombs or missles. Also,  - -lets not forget Saddam Hussein. He used  chemical weapons and gassed Kurds and Iranians, wiping out entire villages and small towns. Here's  a fact folks, We, the United States actually helped Saddam with  millions of dollars in financial aid and targeting intelligence while he  gassed his people. So, tell me - - we did nothing on previous  gas attacks and slaughter in other countries and even supported Iraq in gassing their  citizens and now - - we got religion? Come On.!

Now all of a sudden Obama and his  addled Senators on the hill want to play policeman of the world by feigning outrage saying there needs to be military action when 1400 people die. You have to suspect the reasons behind this call for war. There was out right lies and faked intelligence to get us into Iraq. What is the Administrations motives here? How  much more stupid can these people in Washington become? They only want to look out for their reelection and will say and do anything to  accomplish that task. It is a dog and pony show folks. If each politician is offered something for their support (behind cloed doors) they would sell out their own Momma.

We were right in staying out of all of the previous civil war conflicts and uprising  that occurred throughout the world and we should stay out of this centuries old religious civil war and demand that Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab nations themselves take care of their own wars without our assist.

You can take this to the bank people - -if OBAMA takes military action against the Syrian government he will be supporting the Al-Qaeda linked rebels. Keep in mind this is the same president that has been spouting "We are at war with Al-Qaeda" for over eleven (11) years. He is also the president that said he would NOT take sides in the Syrian civil war. Talk about lies-WOW!  Obama's nose, like Pinocchio's, is growing longer by the minute. Obama's middle name should be Pinocchio.

Finally, I believe that Obama's mind set is to actually over throw the Syrian government using our military might with the excuse that the strike is a very limited  military exercise.No one can explain to me that U.S. missles and  (2000) pound bunker busting bombs will not devestate  Syrian goverment building, infrastructure and its capabilities to fight Al-Qaeda rebel forces, not to mention the death of civilians as collateral damage. The United States has no legitimate interest to interfere and support a rebel uprising agaist the government of Syria.- And, that is my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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