The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 2, 2013



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Obama administration has been using fear and scare tactics to try to get their way in this sequestration battle.They are like a  bunch of chickens with their head cut off. They bounce from television show to television show telling America that tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs, the military will be no more.  It's the "Chicken  Little" syndrome. They keep yelling: ":The sky is falling" people, run, run, run.

Out of spite Obama  took his scare/fear tactics  up a notch when he released THOUSANDS of illegal aliens scheduled for deportation back into the communities across the nation. Originally, he told  the people of this country that only a hundred illegal aliens were released but the truth is THOUSANDS were actually released. Obama was like the kid with the basketball. If he can't have his way he is going to take his ball and go home to the detriment of  all the other kids waiting to play ball. That's sad.

First he and his administration lied about the number of illegal aliens being released and then he tried to cover up the release by saying he had no knowledge of the situation and that it was some low level ICE person that gave the okay for the release. Yet he played this  'illegal alien" fear card to try to impress on the American people that budget cuts are looming at ICE. Do you buy that people? I don't.

I remember  the time back in the 1950's and 60's that Cuba's Castro released thousands of  hardened criminals, some that committed murder, extortion, rape and robbery on the unsuspecting American public.Castro called the prisoners "criminal undesirables" but  let them immigrate to our shores by the boatload(s).

Is it Deja Vu all over again. Dictator Castro frees and releases criminals into the United States to run amok and now Obama is basically doing the same thing using ICE administrators as the front people?  I also remember when about 1986 President Reagan gave "Amnesty: to million of illegal aliens and along with Congress promised that the "Amnesty" at the time would solve the immigration problems we were having in the U.S.

Congress and the administrations lied to us Americans. It didn't solve the immigration problems. It just encouraged million of other "illegal aliens to cross our borders. The promise of border security by Reagan and  Congress was nothing more that a plain, flat out lie to us Americans.

 I submit that if the administration(s) since 1986 was serious about controlling immigration
 they would have enforced the laws already on the books. They failed to do so and continue to do so for political purposes and votes. The laws have been on the book but the administrations knowingly fails to enforce them.

Now Obama, using slick, covert moves saw his chance to turn illegal aliens loose across our land and he uses the sequestration as the excuse.

However keep in mind that Obama, his wife, mother-in-law and family are completely safe behind  fortified, guarded gates with the  full power of the Secret Service at his  beckon call.

Remember, Obama and his legions say that all of these thousands of illegal aliens he just released on us have to return to court for their deportation hearings. The illegals promised to do so. Are you kidding me? The illegal aliens, once released are in the wind. They are going to go underground again and continue to commit their crimes, not pay taxes and have kids, send them to school, take our lucrative welfare benefits and invade our hospitals for free medical care.All on our dime folks,courtesy of Obama just because he wanted to frighten all of us Americans to get his way in a sequestration battle.

The sad part of this situation is that both Congress and the Obama administration put this sequestration deal together to force themselves to compromise and make a deal. Now they play "kick the can" down the road. It stinks. - - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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