The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 30, 2013




Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Again, the USA is stirring the pot provoking other countries. The actions of the United States against Nortrh Korea could  instigate another war. It appears the USA wants to flex its muscles and  act like a bully on the block. The administration has a chip on its shoulder and daring North Korea to knock it off.We clearly do not need this type of diplomacy.

The United States recently sent B-2  bombers to join military drills with South Korea. The administration says sending the bombers was just a coincidence and not meant as a warning to Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea.

The White House officials and the Pentagon dies not have the smarts to realize that this 30 year old  nut job leader of North Korea  could go off his rocker at anytime. He has increased his rhetoric over the past few months escalating his threats against the United States, South Korea and Japan and yet  officials here continually push the guys buttons by playing bigfoot and ramping up missile defenses on the West Coast and sending b-2 bombers to the Korea region.

I would suggest that our administration let this crazy Kim Jong Un rant, rave, scream and holler as much as he wants but until he actually attacks our shores do not agitate and  provoke the idiot.

Why push for war? Hell, don't cry and threaten until you're hurt. To date, this looney tune has not hurt or injured anyone in the United States. Until that happens stop the  "I am the policeman of the world" attitude. However, the moment he, the leader of North Korea or any other  country attacks the United States, bring down the wrath of God on them and wipe their country from the face of the earth. There should be no warning or second chances. If we are attacked - -retaliate with the full military might of the U.S.

But these actions of instigating and agitating leaders of other nations with the hopes of causing a war is uncalled for. Example, look what a preemptive strike got us over the past eleven years. A war with Iraq, a war with Afghanistan, and a third covert war being fought at the same time in Pakistan. Just the war in Afghanistan cost our country TRILLIONS of dollars and the lives of thousands of  our young men and women.

I have always personally believed that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were uncalled for. We should have never been fighting in those countries in the first place. We actually started both wars.

Now today, our administration is close to putting military equipment and arms into Syria. We shouldn't be there either. I say let people in other countries fight their own battles among themselves. Then, when the smoke clears we, the United States deals with whoever is in power. We shouldn't be choosing sides in all of these internal civil wars and conflicts around the world.

Christ, we fought our own civil war on our own without help from other nations. Tens of thousands of good men lost their lives in that war but our country came out of our civil war and we as a nation came together. Why should it be different for other countries? If the people want to rise up and topple their regime let them do it on their own, -- period! I would like to see us as a nation keep our nose out of other countries wars and let  the other nations fight their own battles.

The last thing we need now is to  have our administration pushing a rogue leader like Kim Jong Un into a position where he  sets the entire Korean Peninsula ablaze because of our provocative actions with military exercises and B-2 bombers.

Sometimes I think that the administrations actions of getting involved in these wars all over the world is an act to take peoples minds off of our own problems here at home in the USA. Hey, start a war, or interfere with another countries internal problems and the administration does not have to be accountable for the high gasoline prices, the high cost of food, unemployment, our nations  failing infrastructure, the terrible economy and all of the other domestic problems affecting our country. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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