The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, January 25, 2013




Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The new Obamacare health plan ha a lot of hidden agendas  in it's construct for special interest groups. One group, the insurance industry. For example, the insurance companies can charge people who smoke up to fifty (50%) percent more in premiums for their health care than for those that do not smoke. That's not fair. It will cost the person thousands more a year than a nonsmoker. That is a big penalty on a lot of low income and senior citizens. The plan suggests that elderly people who have been smoking for more that twenty years should be hit with the outrageous premiums.

Talk about discrimination? This health plan is a poster child for  that. I submit everyone should be treated the same.  Premiums should be based on two things, that being, the person themselves and their age, nothing more. What the person does with their life is their business and when they fall ill they should be allowed to be treated without the insurance companies looking into their social life. If a person smokes, so what? If he or she is sick treat them.

This  raunchy health plan is nothing more  than a vehicle for the government to intrude into a person life, restrict a persons access to  heath care by using  idiotic qualifiers. Who benefits? The government and the insurance companies. Who bought who off, people? It looks as though the insurance lobby threw billions of dollars into Obama's and his friends pocket books for favored treatment.

I suggest, if Obamacare is going to  tell people who smoke that they have to pay fifty percent higher premiums for insurance why not tell people who drink alcohol, or those that are obese that they will also have to pay much higher premiums  than those that do not drink alcohol or gorge themselves on food. Obamacare tries to rationalize the smokers penalty as a health problem. Well Obama, what the devil do you call obesity and alcoholics? They are also a health problem.

Where will the insurance companies stop? They will say most everything s a health  problem so they can squeeze out high premiums from us citizens.and the administration plays along with these dummies.

Next thing will be if a person drinks coke, Pepsi or coffee and who eats, pies, cake, burgers, etc. the government and insurance companies will say they are not looking out for their health and that gives the insurance company the right to jack up  the persons premium.

And you know the lawmakers will never, ever put a high premium of those that drink alcohol - -why? because most are booze hounds themselves.

Who's to say who is going to get sick in the future, but to stack the deck by excluding people by how they live their lives is nuts.

I submit that whether  a person is a smoker, boozer, obese person, etc., they deserve the same health policy and treatment as anyone that does not partake in such vices. Wow! Big brother people. The government wants to take care of you from cradle to grave and tell you what you can and cannot do. Freedom of choice will be a thing of the past. And, that's my opinion, Make your own decision. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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