The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Britney Spears - A TV Show Ventriloquist Dummy

LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Britney Spears was caught wearing an ear piece on the show, The X Factor. . Some said that she was wearing the device so she could be told by the producers of the show what to say and how to respond. When asked to explain the ear device Britney and her handlers said it was to tune out the audience noise and applause.What? Are you kidding me? She was asked why then is she only wearing a device in one ear and she babbled out, "I lost the other one." If you believe that, I'll sell all of you readers a bridge in Brooklyn.

Come on! All the other judges put up with audience applause and noise yet they can still judge a contestant. If the producers were paying me ten or twenty million dollars I could put up with audience reaction and still speak for myself with my thoughts and comments. But apparently, the producers would rather spoon feed Spears remarks and comments to her through an ear piece.

Better yet, if the producers of the show paid me the millions this slim no-talent lady is receiving I guess I would also let them use me as a human dummy to a ventriloquist too. Basically that is all she is doing. The producers whisper in her ear through a listening device and have her mouth the words. The producers are nothing more than the ventriloquist and Spears sitting at the table is the dummy parroting the words.

Spears has been given a pass all her life to make up for lack of talent. She never could sing so to make up for the lack of having a singing voice she "lip-synced" the words to songs and people let her get away with it. In fact, people paid millions of dollars over the years to watch a curvy young girl try to dance and pretend to sing. What she called entertaining an audience was nothing more than an elaborate scam.What a joke.

Folks if I were going to pay to see an entertainer in a live performance I would at least expect that person to produce and display their talents. But  to pretend to sing and mouth the words is ridiculous.  I would not pay any so-called entertainer that is pretending to sing a song. Where's the talent?

Now, it appears Britney is getting a pass once again and is paid millions just to sit in a chair, look cute and play ventriloquist dummy to some producer or TV exec whispering in her ear telling her what to say. And people put up with this crap? Like the man said, there's one born everyday. They should put this over the hill teeny-bopper out to pasture. - What ever happened to the entertainment business and real talent? And, that's my opinion. Make up your own mind. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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