The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Obama Speech Missed the Mark: He Wants to Pay People NOT TO WORK

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

On September 8, 2011, President Obama gave his alleged "jobs" speech. What is it with Obama and his talk, talk, talk, but no action. The day following his speech the Dow dropped 303.68. That says a lot folks. Our economy is in the toilet and Obama keeps flushing more and more down the drain by his" hope- hope" and things will get better speeches. I believe one of the most important glaring problems with his speech yesterday was: Extending the unemployment insurance to those people out of work, AGAIN. What a wrong way, lopsided view to pump up the economy. Obama said by extending unemployment benefits that will beef up the economy and make for more jobs. Is he kidding? It doesn't take a person smarter that a fifth-grader to know that extending unemployment benefits for those people that have been out of work for over TWO years will only provide monies for them AGAIN to sit around and collect the government dole out every month and not work.

I say that if Obama and his give-a-way colleagues in Washington are paying these people who are "capable" of working that will not add jobs to the economy. On the contrary, it will keep people from being employed. What needs to be done is for Obama to cut off these outrageous unemployment extensions and I predict that then, and only then, will Obama and his party see a jump in employment. These malingering, lazy people will have to face reality and know that when the money from the unemployment has dried up, they will have to find a job - - ANY JOB.

Right now Obama and his pals have extended unemployment benefits for people over and over again and currently these unemployed people can lay around for 99 weeks (TWO YEARS) without working at any meaningful job.

From numerous research studies it has been found that when a person is out of work for two years, they have no real incentive of returning to work as long as they are being enabled by a paycheck from unemployment funds. And, believe it or not, some of the Obama Democratic crowd want to extend the unemployment benefits to over 113 weeks. What!

What I would like to see and would suggest to Obama is that he return the unemployment benefits package to what it used to be decades ago. It was basically, the unemployed person collected unemployment for a period of 13 weeks and then they received an extension of benefits for an additional 13 weeks. Folks, that's six months of being unemployed. That's a long time to be without a job but most of those people out of work knew they had to find a job within six months or be broke. And, guess what? Most did find a job and the economy rolled along having those people back in the work force. It worked! That unemployment model should be enacted once again.

We middle class taxpayers are on on the hook for supporting the POOR, THE ILLEGAL ALIEN, FREE EDUCATION, FREE HEALTH CARE for special groups, etc., and Obama and the lawmakers keep coming back to the well to ding us again and again. It has to stop. Enough is enough.

With his speech last night and his promise to extend the unemployment benefits to the unemployed again does nothing more that create a brand new segment of society that we taxpayers will have to subsidize. We will now support millions of people NOT TO WORK and they can, with the governments blessing and our tax money to collect a pay check, sit around and live off of that paycheck year after year after year.

The cost of the last unemployment extension was$12 billion dollars so imagine what it will be this time round. Folks, our tax monies is being squandered over and over, and for what? Politics people. Elections are on the horizon and lawmakers want to be reelected. Both parties are at fault on this unemployment fiasco. They should use tough love and insist that six(6) months of unemployment benefits are sufficient for an unemployed person. If the persons unemployment benefits run out after six (6) months and they fail to find a job (which is nearly impossible to do), they can then look to relatives and friends for support. Jobs are out there in such areas as: Fast food, dish washer, food server, gas stations, sales, housecleaning, etc., --the list goes on and on. But these long term unemployed people just refuse to take them.

My thought is: A job, is a job, is a job. The unemployed should take the menial position while looking to better themselves.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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