The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Michele Bachmann For President? Not My Vote.


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Michele Bachmann for President? Lets look at some situations. - -
Here's a woman that clearly stated that she is prone to severe migraine headaches. I would think that anyone that suffers from severe migraine headaches would be hampered when attempting to make important decisions. The pain of migraines is no joke. They can be quite debilitating. Anyone of you that has experienced a severe migraine may have seen the flashes of light, the explosion effect before the eyes, not discounting the excruciating pain. I would wonder how anyone could really concentrate and keep their mind focused on any specific important matter while the migraine is in effect.

I would also question why many of Michele Bachmann's staff members continually abandon ship. It has been reported in the media that Bachmann is difficult to get along with. That could account for the high-level turnover she has experienced in the past. There were frequent changes in her staff at her congressional office since 2007. There were six(6) chiefs of staff in four years and there were five(5) press secretaries, there were five(5) legislative directors and there were three (3) communications directors.

Some previous staffers have complained about Bachmann's style. From those reports it appears she tries to micro-manage every aspect of every situation. It has been reported that anyone questioning her decisions brings about suspicion on her part and those people that disagree with her are then labeled disloyal. She is said to insist on being involved in the very smallest details.

Folks, that's scary. Paranoid tendency? Maybe. But to my liking, all these things add up to areas of concern that does not make for good Presidential timber. But, -- to each his own. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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