The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obama Drops The Ball Again- I Thought He Was A Good Ball Player: I Guess He's Slipping in Oil.


LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Obama is letting the country down when it come to the Gulf oil spill disaster. It's been approximately thirty-two(32) days since this catastrophe occurred.

From day one of this oil spill Obama has been pampering and coddling British Petroleum. He has consistently relied on BP to solve the problem and stop the oil leak.

This Gulf oil leak is still gushing 5,000 barrels of oil a day( and according to BP it may even be much more than that) while at the same time telling the administration that the new fix (a tube) inserted into the leak is stopping 5,000 barrels of oil a day. However, BP's own video of the leak beneath the ocean shows an enormous amount of oil still gushing out. If 5,000 barrels of oil is leaking per day and the BP fix says that it is stopping 5,0000 barrels a day - -my math should read, zero oil leaking. I would suggest that BP's fuzzy math is wrong. Still, Obama puts his faith in British Petroleum.

Obama accepts BP's figures on the measurements and quantities of oil leaking. This President failed to send the administrations own government people to the scene and calculate the measurements. He just recently called on the head of the Coast Guard the other day and that person said: We will send our own measurement devices to the ocean floor if and when we know how to do that. Can you believe it? The Coast Guard has no knowledge of how to send a measuring device into the ocean depths but the administration was confident enough to let British Petroleum sink oil wells miles beneath the ocean without any sort of plan to measure and safely monitor the wells.

Now Obama is letting BP release millions of gallons of oil dispersant into the ocean without even considering the effect that this dispersant will have on the sea life and environment and the ocean as a whole. The dispersant BP is currently using is called Corexit 9500 and this chemical cocktail being dumped on the sea floor is very, very toxic and the ocean has to put up with this garbage.

The chemical companies in collusion with big oil has been using this chemical for decades and it is even more difficult to really know what makes up this chemical time bomb because the chemical companies keep their formula secret. Even with this scary situation the Obama administration lets BP and these chemical companies abuse and pollute our waters without ever knowing what is being dumped and spewed into the ocean. Me, and many scientists are alarmed and surprised that the EPA allowed British Petroleum to use these dispersants on the Gulf floor because their use in deep water has never, ever been tried before.

The United Kingdom banned the same dispersant that BP is now dumping into the sea. This dispersant is also being manufactured and sold by affiliates of British Petroleum. Talk about a conflict of interest, wow! Allowing BP and it's oil and chemical partners supervise this Gulf spill is having the fox guard the hen house.

The dispersant that was used in the Exxon Valdez 1989 oil spill was hundreds of times less toxic but even that mild dispersant caused residents of Alaska to come down with respiratory problems, kidney problems and liver problems. Dumping this toxic dispersant into the oceans waters is like a doctor giving medication to a patient looking for a cure but instead kills the patient. The old story- "the operation was a success BUT the patient died."

All of these CEO's and administrator's with British Petroleum and the other oil companies involved in this spill should be in jail, right now? Where are all of the subpoenas and charges and handcuffs sucking up these bad guys. Where is Obama and his justice department when we need them? Talk about staying in the shadows? Wow! It looks like Obama doesn't want to come out and play.

First and foremost, Obama should have, from day one, arrested all of the players with British Petroleum and the oil oil giants who took part in this oil rig disaster. If what they did was not a crime I would like Obama to tell me what it is. He then should have not allowed anyone from British Petroleum to advise and/or act in the resolution in any attempts to stop the oil leak. Instead, he should have used all the technology and might of the government to do their own measurements of the oil being released into he sea. He should have and could have called on the oceanographic institutes and scientists in the private sector to solve the problem. Some of these scientists and institutions even said they would offer their services for FREE but Obama still ties himself to BP. What a shame.

It is evident that the established and recognized scientists and institutes world-wide would be an independent body and would not have an ax to grind like British Petroleum and the oil cartels and some politicians clearly have.

As I stated in previous articles, when all else fails we have the technology, the ability, the might and science of our Navy and NASA to draw upon. Just utilizing the expertise of some NASA scientists who had hands on dealing in deep space would be leaps and bounds over the lame ideas ideas of British Petroleum.

I once said that exploring the deep depths of the ocean floor is not much different that exploring the depths of deep space.In the case of this Gulf oil disaster a fitting phrase comes to mind that is often used when it comes to fixing and/or repairing something. The phrase: "It doesn't take a rocket scientist." My opinion, In this case, yes it does. We have developed more things in the space program that has been a benefit to mankind that one can imagine. So, I say to President Obama, cut British Petroleum loose completely from the attempted oil rig repair and get off your duff and use the Navy and NASA and the experts and scientists from the oceanographic institutes. These are people that deal with problems of such magnitude.

This oil disaster will take decades to clean up and it will cost billions of dollars so there is no further reason for President Obama to drag his feet and pamper the oil execs.

It is a known fact that Congress and the White House has an ongoing "Lewinsky" type relationship with these big oil companies but it has got to stop, if for no other reason but the good of the country and our environmental survival.

Mr. President, if you want to do something with British Petroleum and the oil giants involved in this fiasco I suggest you immediately issue subpoenas and jail the CEO's and their colleagues as quickly as possible. No more Hmm-hawing around.

Mr. President, you need to take charge and take a tough stand. Stop this nonsense of appointing commissions at this point in time. Now is not the time to have a commission and dog and pony show by camera loving politicians spouting off offering their views on what and how this disaster happened. Now is the time to concentrate on STOPPING these leaks below the sea. Mr. President, after the leaking oil is stopped a commission can look into the how's and why's and the politicians can then play the blame games. Now is the time to protect the fragile coastline. Do not continually say Congress will take care of things.- And, that's my opinion. People, draw your own conclusions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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