The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

What a bunch of hypocrites our politicians are. These do nothing politicians continue to cry that a "public option" is not for us. But they set back and enjoy the benefits of a government health care program for themselves and their families.

These lawmakers have a clear choice of approximately 12 different insurance plans to chose from. If they do not like one plan they can enroll in another.

They also have an up and running health facility right on the premises of the capitol and this facility reaches out to some of the best medical specialists in the country to care for our representatives. These fat cats only have to pay a modest $500.00 a year for the health care on site but it has been reported that many of these Washington players refuse to pay the $500.00 per year fee but still receive the super excellent treatment free of charge.

I submit that the opposition to a government health care plan by our representatives boils down to only one thing, money. Many of these lawmakers are being bought off by the health insurance industries. They belly up to the pig trough and stuff their pockets with millions of dollars doing the health care and insurance companies bidding.

Many in Congress, right now, are actually using a "government" health care plan. It's called "Medicare." Even though these lawmakers use government plans themselves they insist that a government run health plan is bad for the rest of us.

There is government run health care plans already up and operating and have been doing very well for decades. At the current time our government offers:
Medicare and Medicaid and we also have the Veterans Administration, an excellent government run health care plan for all of out vets. In addition there are a number of government health care plans for our children. However, these same Washington idiots, who are enjoying their own government health care plan each and every day,many of these lawmakers currently using Medicare, do not want working age people to have a government option.

While campaigning President Obama promised the working Joe the same medical plan that these lawmakers enjoy but it appears money talks and Bull**** walks.

I would bet my last dollar that if you asked anyone of those lawmakers in the beltway to give up their Medicare coverage or their super excellent government insurance options they have for themselves the answer would be a resounding, "No!"- And, That's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns,Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhn's can be reached by e-mail at:

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