The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, November 5, 2009



Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

Afghan leader President Hamid Karzai is once again ther leader of his country and he promises to stamp out corruption. Are you kidding me? Here is a man that is under a cloud himself for accepting bribes and turning his head when it comes to the rampant corruption in his country.

The United States clearly continues to make deals with the devil.It seems to be a pattern for the United States to ignore, corruption, crimes, and murder just to carry on a needless war to put money into fat cat politicians coffers.

Afghanistan has flourishing poppy fields producing drugs worth billions of dollars a year and the United States position is one that "the farmers and villagers have to make a living." Remember,when the Taliban was running Afghanistan well before our occupation they forbid their countrymen to use or produce the deadly drugs. But once we became an occupation force the Taliban now uses the obscene profits from the drugs to fight us.

To make things even worse President Karzai's brother Ahmed Wali Karzai is up to his neck in the illicit drug trade and the cherry topping on the sundae is that our CIA has been paying this corrupt drug Czar a salary worth tens of thousands of dollars, "our tax dollars" for over eight years.

Lets do some fuzzy math here: 2 plus 2 does come out 4.
President Karzai who is alleged to have taken bribes and is accused of being a corrupt politician "plus" his sleazy, corrupt drug trafficking brother: Equals= "corruption" above and beyond.

We, the USA, are blowing billions of dollars on Afghanistan, a country that has nothing to do with our national security. The Obama administrations only excuse for this unwarranted occupation is the same old George Bush excuse" we fight them there instead of here."

Right now we have been in Afghanistan longer that the Soviets and they had to leave the country after sacrificing thousands and thousands of young Soviet men and womens lives that was for naught. That invasion by the Soviets cost the Soviet Union not only precious lives and billions of dollars but brought it to it's knees and it's super power status crumbled. Now we are throwing men and women into the same meat grinder supporting a corrupt government that doesn't want us on their soil. How many more U.S. military lives will be pawns in this undeclared war and how may more billions of dollars will be pour into this money pit?

We have no reason to be in Afghanistan and should withdraw all of our military and civilian personnel out. All of those billions of dollars that we are currently spending for the occupation could and should be used to strengthen our own country and it's borders. We have to learn to stop occupying countries with the excuse that we want them to have a democracy. Many countries abide by their own culture and customs. They clearly do not was our interference.

And, that's my opinion.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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