The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


LAS VEGAS -Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

The Democrats were given a mandate during the last election to change the way government was run. Voters put Democrats in to carry our President Obama's agenda.

The Democrats have the majority in the House and Senate and the White House but instead of sticking together and pushing through President Obama's plan for Health Care including the health care option there are at least six Democrats who refuse to vote for the Democratic proposals and are backing the Republicans.In fact, many of them including Senator Reid from Nevada, the Senators from Arkansas and Senator from Montana and others are holding the Democrats hostage and preventing the Democratic party from carrying out many of President Obama's programs.

These six Democrats calling themselves "blue dogs" are dogs alright - -"dirty dogs". Their only interest is scooping up money from the insurance and big Phara lobbies for their own use. It's no secret that these "dogs" have been receiving millions of dollars from the insurance and pharmaceutical companies for their war chest to get reelected.

If these Democrats we voted for cannot stand together what good is it to put them in office. They all promised that if the Democrats were given a shot they would have the majority and vote the Democratic policy agenda. They lied! Their hands are so dirty with insurance money they can't wash the stench off.

These "dogs" should lose their seats on their committee's. They should be demoted to the smallest position performed in Congress and when election time rolls around they should be voted out of office for their betrayal.The voters should watch these wanna-be Democrats who lied to us and demand that they vote with all of the other Democrats to get things done in Congress. Hell! The Republicans have always voted a block to get things done for the past eight years. Just look at all the bad law and policy the Bush Administration pushed through time after time.

Republican's hang together in "lock-step" and no matter what they vote together. For eight years the Republicans had the votes in Congress and they used them.

Why is it the Democrats continually to fight among themselves? They can't vote in block nor do they stick together and they refuse to agree as one.I say that the Democrats had their shot. Enough is enough. They asked for a chance and said if they had the majority they would give us that change the country wanted. But now that the Democrats are in power their stock answer is "we don't have the votes". What a rip off!

I submit that if the Democratic Party who has the majority and the power can't get the countries business done now, ---they'll never get it done. So, who needs them. Throw the idiots out starting with Senator Reid and the "dirty dogs." And,- that's my opinion.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at

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