The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, October 18, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

The Democratic party told us of all the outstanding things they were going to do for the country if we, the voters, would only give them a chance. They insisted that they have to have a majority. We voters gave them a majority in the House, we gave them a Senate majority, filibuster free, and we gave them a Democratic White House. But now they squandered it. Their promise turned out to be a bag of hot air. The only thing they have done so far is pass their inaction onto the Republican Party.

We don't have healthcare even though Obama promised us the same health plan that he and the members of Congress has available to them. This Democratic Party is fighting among themselves mainly because many of those Democrats are beholden to the corrupt obscene lobbyists monies given them by the insurance lobby. Instead of melting into one exceptional voting block Obama and his party choose to splinter and crash.

Theodore Roosevelt attempted to get universal healthcare back in 1912, Richard Nixon wanted National health care in 1974, But even now the Democrats are balking even when 73 percent of the country want a healthcare plan like the one those same politicians enjoy.

Those elite group of people in Congress truly believe they are owed more than the John and Jane Doe working stiff. They have laws that specifically exempt them from crimes that the average citizen does not have and with their own "government health plan" the Congress has a choice of at least a dozen different health plans to choose from. They have that option for themselves. So far, we voters do not have that plan or any plan even with one option choice.

These easy riding politicians even have their own clinic facility on site for their personal use. In this facility they have access to the best treatment and medical specialists from around the United States and from around the world. The best part of this super facility is that these fat cats only have to pay approximately $500.00 a year for this added exceptional health care and even if the person didn't pay their $500.00 annual premium they can still avail themselves to that care because they are one of the club. People! We don't have anything like that. Not even anything close.

So, when you hear these politicians cry out against a government health plan for us little people and their screams that any government plan for us is bad I want you to ask yourself why these same people are sucking up their government health plan for themselves and their families on our dime.

All of those promises made then were made to be broken now. The White House and it's top staff went into this health plan from the get go writing off any universal health care. Senator Raum Emanuel was one of the biggest cheerleaders against universal care or any public option and has talked his home state friend President Obama out of insisting on a public option.

There have been reports that staffers in the White House are afraid to take on Emanuel because of his friendship with President Obama , his friendship with people like Rod Blagojevich, his temper and his sometimes vulgar language when trying to press a point. It seems that Emanuel's position is working because so far President Obama has not really come out strong nor has he taken any stand whatsoever on this important health care option other than saying Congress is working on it. That's a milk toast approach. I submit, the President has to become more aggressive and speak out using his pulpit and insist that any health plan "must" have a public option. Any government health plan that is good enough for them is good enough for us. No more, no less. - And, that's my opinion.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached at:

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