The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, July 3, 2021



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Another fiasco and a big dud "town hall" by HANNITY, on Fox News Network on June 30, 2021. Hannity's ads and promotions on the Fox channel promoted a "TOWN HALL," featuring former President Donald Trump, but as usual, par for the course for Hannity, he constantly upstaged the program with his same old jargon that he spouts on his nightly show. It appears there were hundreds of local and out of state people that showed up for the town hall, but instead of focusing on the audience and townspeople Hannity used his same ol' chatter and blabber to fill air time and get face time in front of the cameras.

Maybe some one should tell him what a town hall congregation should be. The  original intent of town halls were for the townspeople to gather together and pose question of importance to the speakers on the stage who are making a presentation. Hannity fails miserably in this respect. Every town hall that he touts and  hosts is a BIG, BIG, BUST. It's always the same old stuff. 

These pretend town halls with Fox News are either a KUMBAYA circle jerk where HANNITY or Fox hosts lather the guest with constant compliments in a lovefest and point out that the numerous bad thing occurring in the country 'SHOULD NOT HAPPEN, and say, THEY HAVE TO STOP.  The guests then parrot the same thing and vent about all the bad things occurring in this nation BUT never, ever, say what they are doing, or will do, to correct these bad things. The Fox hosts never press the point and fail to insist on a straight answer or solution as to what the guest is going to do. I should mention that Hannity is not the only Fox host that tout "town halls," who  fail to produce. When Fox News claims to hold a town hall it is only to allow their hosts to get "face time." What a joke.

During the hour long town hall filled with Hannity chatter and blabber and his video clips of  Fox contributor, Sarah Carter who had a weak bit about her opinion regarding the border only killed valuable air time wherein the many guests who showed up for the town hall was ignored. Fact is, Hannity took only ONE question from the audience.

Folks, I submit that those hundreds of people that showed up to see President Trump and Texas Governor wanted to pose question to those two men. They were not there to see Hannity, who wants only to take the valuable air time for himself. The town hall is for "audience questions." I suspect there were  many in the audience that wanted to ask Governor Gregg Abbott questions, such as: "Why Don't you send Texas National Guard troops to the Texas border? You can do that with a stroke of a pen. Others in the audience wanted to ask questions of President Trump but were clearly shortchanged by Fox News.

Folks, how hard would it have been for Hannity to do a brief, short intro for the town hall and then say something like," You're not here to hear me talk during  this short hour. You are here to see and hear President Trump and Governor Abbott so without further ado I would like to introduce President Trump." And, then, say something like, "We're here with questions from the audience, so lets begin with a question from; (and call on the person with the question and allow President Trump to answer. And continue questions and answers from the audience to President Trump allowing him to stand and walk around  as he responds to the audience questions. The same would apply to Governor Abbott, allowing him to respond to audiences questions as he wheels around on stage in his wheelchair.

Then at the end of the hour, thank the audience and appreciate the applause for President Trump and Governor Abbott. HOW HARD IS THAT HANNITY? NOT HARD AT ALL. The audience participates with the guest speakers .Wow! That should easy stuff.

These flimsy, shallow pretend "town halls" Fox News presents is nothing than a dog and pony show for the hosts. A viewer is lucky if the Fox town halls allow more that three questions from audience participants in the many town halls they have promoted.

FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU. FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON ME. I fell more than once for these so called FOX News town halls. I was fooled more than once---BUT NO MORE, after this Fox News Hannity town hall fiasco. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you consider the situation and come to your own conclusions. You decide.


Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at: 

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