The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Where is the Administration and the Justice Department? We  have Domestic Terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM), ravaging and destroying many of our major cities across the nation. Look at Portland, Oregon, ( in the 82nd. night of violence), Seattle and Minneapolis, to name a few. These groups continually  commit arons, vandalism, theft,  attempted murder and assault on police officer and citizens of the cities. This destruction has been on going for months and the  Justice Department  sits on their hands  while cities are ablaze in flames.

To make things worse President Trump only says, basically: "If they don't fix it , I will." Well, Whoopie-Do!  President Trump has been threatening to take back control of these cities for months, BUT he does not carry through on his threats. Fact is, the dumbest, most stupid, idiotic mayor in the country, New York City Mayor De Blasio,  goes on national TV and says  the president is only blustering. Boy, that's saying a lot when this disgraced idiot Mayor believes that  president Trump will never carry through on his  threats.

I suggest that President Trump take the bull by the horns and instead of constantly saying, "if they don't fix it, I will," ACTUALLY FIX IT. NOW! He should move with swift action and override state Mayors and Governors orders and immediately activate sufficient numbers of federal law enforcement on the ground to REGAIN control of these cities. In addition, activate the national guard and havde the guard and law enforcement agencies issue curfews in each and every one of these Democratic run cities, and have the national guard and law enforcement ENFORCE the curfews by making arrests and taking into custody anyone violating the set curfews. When making arrests "perp walk" these anarchists, in handcuffs, in front of media cameras so the nation can actually see that LAW AND ORDER is being restored to these sanctuary Democratic cities.

President Trump says he is for LAW and ORDER, if that's the case he should immediately STEP UP and prove that fact to the of residents of these faltering cities currently under attack and to the rest of the nation. He has to do what he says, HE WILL DO. The  threats from the president of "I will, or "I'm going to"are just hollow words UNLESS they are  followed through with decisive action.

Each and every day that passes by only emboldens these domestic terrorists to expand their violence to other cities and small towns. In Oregon the chaos spread its ugly violence to the small town of Bend, Oregon, then these anarchists continued to spread their hate and violence to other cities like Austin, Texas.

I early on predicted that if the  violence in Seattle was not put down by the feds, national guard and local law enforcement from the get-go it would get worse, and boy, did it get worse. CHAZ and CHOP were  allowed to happen and deaths occurred. I strongly believe that if law and order was restored from the first insurrection attempt, this problem would not have expanded and spread to other cities. And now, look a the number of cities that allow this violence to go forward.

The sad part of this whole situation is our lawmakers (on both sides) are sitting back on their butts watching cities burn and be destroyed while saying,. "It's only a few cities." WHAT?

One of the big questions I ponder is WHY does the residents of these cities like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City continually VOTE IN these idiotic Governors and Mayors. Don't they see what is happening to their way of life, their children's life. Is it only because they decide to VOTE DEMOCRAT and vote the Democratic ticket? Why do these residents put up with this crap in their cities and state? It's beyond me. Is it because they don't want a safe, secure life for themselves and family?   The residents in these states like Oregon, California, Washington,  New York, and  Illinois can see what is happening right before their eyes and yet they continue to put the same people in office to run their cities and states. WOW! Why not vote these bums out of office and vote new blood in those positions?

I predict if President Trump would take immediate decisive action against these anarchists ravaging these cities, restore law and order and  save the businesses and merchants any further losses he would be rewarded by a sweeping, overwhelming win in the November presidential election. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and come to your own conclusion. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached  by email at:

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