The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, June 21, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

What a disgrace. Another group of anarchist, Black Lives Matter and vandals destroy another historical statue. This destruction has to stop.

A radical group which the media referred to as "protesters", but in reality are nothing more than "criminals" got together  in Washington D.C, on Juneteenth Day, which marks the end of slavery in the United States and toppled the only statue of a Confederate general in the nations capitol. They set it on fire. The cheering  anarchists actually jumped up and down as the 11 foot statue of Albert Pike --which they wrapped in chains fell to the ground.

The group of anarchists then violently committed property damage and civil disobedience and  set a bon fire, stood in a circle as the statue burned and they chanted, "No justice, no peace," and "no racist police". Folks, it was a disgusting act of  destruction of property and civil disobedience.

And while all of this destruction and setting fires was  actually occurring, police officers were just standing there, like a bunch of dummies, DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop what I call criminal acts. We pay our tax money for police to PROTECT AND SERVE, but now it appears the only thing police want to protect and serve is themselves. My God! A group of law enforcement officers witnessing criminal acts being committed right  before their very eyes and they just stand around sucking their thumb? I never thought I would see the day here in America when our law enforcement turns a blind eye to criminal acts being committed  in front of them. I'm shamed of these particular police officers.

Another example of civil disobedience and criminal acts occurred in Portland, Oregon. The anarchists and vandals tore down a statute of "GEORGE WASHINGTON, which was erected in 1920."WOW! Can you imagine that.  The anarchist spray painted the statue with the words," You are on Native Land." The criminal idiots also set a fire around the statue of Washington before it was torn down. And, you guessed. Not a single person was arrested.

People, the leaders in these liberal states that are run by Democrats  are shameful, and out of control .
They openly permit these radical  groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter to destroy public property, commit acts of arson, theft and assault. I suggest there is nothing Democratic about these vile criminal acts but yet the Democratic party accepts and adopts them as one of their political  planks of governing.

I also suggest that the majority of people here in the United States want to enjoy safety in their community, their homes, their businesses, and their lives.

Destruction of America's historical statues is a result of our liberal educational system who have failed miserably to teach History, Civics, and Geography, starting in grade school and up through our colleges and universities. Those subjects of learning taught students where came from, how we progressed as a nation and all of those subjects laid bared the good, bad, and ugly times of what our country went thought to get to the place we are today. It taught students to love the country they were born in. But sadly, the last three or four decades of educational learning, especially in our colleges and universities decided to promote hate in our classrooms telling students that America is bad and it's bad to be living in America.

We are at a tipping point in our country when it comes to educating our students. The Federal Government should step up and DEFUND some of the colleges and universities that spew this hatred for America. Get back to the basics when teaching students. The old standby subjects should be: Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Emphasis on math, science, history, civics and geography will go a long way to have students appreciate this country and where they came from. And, that's my opinion.

Finally, I suggest that the Federal Government make it a federal law to deface, vandalize, or destroy any historical statue(s), monument(s) or figure(s), and the American Flag. The penalty should be large fines and prison time for anyone committing such acts. This communist radical move by Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other hate America groups who are initiating a cultural war on America has to be put down as quickly as possible. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by  email at:

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