The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, April 18, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well folks, President Trump and the task force set out a very clear blueprint for the United  States to open up again.But some of the liberal  Governors in many states are resisting out of "spite and hate" for Trump. For example, the Governors of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Virginia are just a few states who are totally resistant to President Trumps  recommendations. Instead of easing up on the restrictions they already had in place these Governors added additional draconian, stupid, unwarranted prohibitions for the citizens of their states and the Michigan Governor threatened to impose even more if the protesters did not stop protesting.

I only hope that every citizen in these two states and the other states run by liberal Democratic Governors that imposed even more heavy  restrictions on their  people after they had the green light from the feds to begin opening up VOTE these BUMS out if office, or even start recall  petitions against these power hungry idiots. My question is: Why do the residents of these states continue to vote  these incompetents into office? Why not try to vote for  another party to see if there is in fact, change, progress, prosperity. What the hell do the residents if these states have to lose.

People, there is no rhyme or reason for some of the restrictions these Governor's placed on their residents. It is only for the Governor's own ego's,  political ambitions to higher office in their party and party agenda. That's wrong.

And you  can bet the farm, and your last dollar that  Governor Cuomo , (NY), will intentionally drag his feet and delay any opening just to get back at President Trump and the Republication party. How will he do that? He said he made a regional agreement with surrounding states as to what to shut down in unison so residents of New York would not cross state lines to visit restaurants, bars, etc.,  and enjoy the economy in those surrounding states.  So now , since he keeps griping  and complaining that it's to soon for him to even begin  to open up, he will take the lead role in saying that since he cannot open up  New York,  the Governor's in the surrounding states  cannot open up either. Result, Cuomo will lead the resistance of a number of East Coast states into trying to embarrass and malign Trump's blueprint to bring back the economy.

Remember, these Governor's and their families are not missing a meal. They will always have full bellies. They don't have a small business and have to worry about  if they can survive day to day. These Governor's will always have their toilet paper, hand sanitizer,  food on the table and continue receiving a paycheck.. They didn't lose their job. So, folks, they have no worries whatsoever. They are being paid and fed and taken care of by  the taxpayers of their state.

I  would suggest and urge the residents of these states to stage peaceful protests, write letters,  send tweets, emails, and get on social media to call out these Governors , by name to everyone else in  the country.

Final word,  again:  WAKE UP PEOPLE AND VOTE THESE BUMS OUT OF OFFICE. Shown them who's boss. They work for you. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and come to your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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