The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, February 23, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

What a big, big disappointment. President Trump signing the budget deal. This bill is filled with "land mines" and "poison pills" that the President said he would look for when the. I mean,  Homeland Security has to "consult with local leaders in border towns to get permission to build the wall? Are you kidding me?  Another, if anyone, even drug cartel  people, MS-13 gang members and those that just want to enter the United States say they are going to sponsor a small child, they are automatically  immune from being deported. And there are at least close to 100 times or mention in the bill telling the President where he CAN'T spend the money being offered. And people, there are  other provisions in  this spending bill the Democrats  with the help from disgruntled Republicans who dislike the President gave him  the middle finger once again.

Folk, I want to make it very clear that this spending bill is a GARBAGE BILL. It's a garbage bill from every and any angle. It's a steaming pile of manure. It stinks to high heaven.

The Dems, Pelosi and Schumer  pulled the same stunt they did with the Health Care Act. The delayed the offering until the 11th. hour and told the House and Congress to pass it first, then read it. Pelosi held up this bill until a few hours before the deadline (between 1100 and 1200 pages), and then signed it and delivered to the Presidents desk. The President was snookered again.

Remember, the President said after that first omnibus bill that he would "never sign" such a bad bill again. But guess what? He did.

What ever happened to his mantra that he he wrote about in his book: THE ART OF THE DEAL. He said he would "walk away" from any bad deal. He also  said that when he was running for president. and when he was negotiating with Chairman Kim of North Korea. And, he knew what was  occurring with this bill before he ever saw it.Hell, it was all over the news, especially FOX news, which he apparently watches on a regular basis. The terms of this is so-called bipartisan committee was leaked each and every day and the networks discussed the pros and cons of the terms. So he knew about all of this bad, bad, landmines and yet, he was talked into signing this trashy bill by McConnell and entrenched Republicans. What a shame.  The bill isn't even couched in proper legislative language. For example,  it states he can't use funds EVER for certain things and areas of concern. WOW! It's vague. It's like a high school students attempt to write a paper. It's nothing that lawmakers crafted in the past.

I submit, that the President should have reviewed this pile of poop, and  told Pelosi, Schumer , McConnell and the other  spineless  Republicans to "take this bill, and SHOVE IT." And  then, immediately declare a National Emergency. He could have declarced a National Emergency weeks ago prior to this lame, feckless committee getting together to come up with a bill. From all I've read, the President has full authority to declare a National Emergency and if, the Democrats file legal challenges, the President will prevail in the Supreme Court. Further, if the  Dems take legal action the President should immediately request a fast track path to the Supreme Court.

I am disappointed that the President continually backs down and gives in to McConnell and the Republican groups that pander to their own lobbyists and  self-interest agendas. "Fool me once, shame on you." "Fool, me twice, same on me." The president has been fooled and misled a number of times by MConnell and his same ol', keep it the same Washington crowd. When is the President going to learn that McConnell and some in the White House and Congress do no want change in Washington and they will do anything to keep it as is and was?

I wold also suggest to the President that he not telegraph hid plans days and weeks ahead of  time. Example, Months ago he stated he has the option of a National Emergency. So what did the Democrats and some Republican do? The immediately planned to file legal challenges and get a structured plan in motion to combat  his  plan. Fact is, they now have paperwork already drawn up and ready to go to, fight the National Emergency. I submit that if President Trump and the White House counsel and staff kept the idea of the National Emergency under wraps, he could have come out, declared the National Emergency,  and start using it while the Dems and the opposing Republicans scrambled to catch up and  try to put together to the action. But when someone sees the punch coming, it's natural for someone to block the punch. That's dumb!. I say, throw your punch and then let's see what happens.

The president stated  during the campaign -- I do not want the enemy to know when and where it coming. but since being in office it appears he doesn't follow his own  plan. He has been telegraphing things he will  and will not do. I believe when Obama and previous president's declared a National Emergency, they did it and then moved on. Look at what Obama did with the DACA situation? He  did it without fanfare and then moved on. Even though the courts said it was an illegal act, it still is in play to this day.

Finally, I am glad that the President declared the National Emergency. He should go forward and not back down on advice from the weak, feckless people in his own party or pressure from Pelosi and Schumer.. Take it to the Supreme Court and move on. The reason the Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer are now making threats saying they will use a National Emergency when the Democrats get back in the White House, they really know and are afraid that they will  lose in the courts. With all their bluster they know the court will side with the President, because of the firm ground he is on legally. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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