The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, November 25, 2018



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

WOW! The thousands of migrants from Central America  who are now in Tijuana gathered at our southern border is DEMANDING entry into the United States. Can you imagine, migrants from another country and flying their flag is demanding that we Americans open the border and let them in.

President Trump was correct in  sending troops to the southern border and vowing to close the border completely if this mob becomes violent and unruly.

Folks, these immigrants have no right to "demand" anything from the U.S. If they want to come into the U.S. they should proceed to an American Embassy into their country of origin, request the paperwork, and wait their turn (the right way).

As I write this article, I heard on the radio that a number of the caravan mob in Tijuana made a serious attempt to rush our border. Our border patrol had to use tear gas to repel these people.

If the caravan invaders really wanted asylum they would have applied for it in Mexico, the first country they reached after leaving their own country. But they didn't. They traveled to our border, through Mexico to invade our country.

Any of these caravan migrants that illegally try and succeed in crossing our border should immediately be taken into custody deported IMMEDIATELY, not being allowed to enter the U.S. at any future time. Also a side note regarding illegal aliens, president Trump should issue an executive order which states that any illegal alien caught  trying and/or voting in one of our election is subject to immediate deportation. That's my own personal view.

People, even now many in the Democratic Congress is saying president Trump should let these people in. Even though they will  dodge and evade detection once they set foot on our soil. 99% never show up for their hearing that are scheduled with our courts. And, all the while. we hard working taxpayers have to pick up the tab for their entire family for health care, schooling, housing  and welfare. That's WRONG!!!!

I also blame Congress for not closing these loopholes that allow these illegals and asylum seekers to run willy-nilly around our country while we support them and their families. Ir is a big, glaring  flashing light that our lawmakers in Washington are abdicating their sworn duties by not enacting proper legislation to  immediately close these  gaping gaps such as  chain migration, the visa lottery scam and allowing illegals to stay in the U.S. (if they set one foot on our soil.) The courts say we have to release them into the population after 20 days. What a joke.

The Republicans in Congress had better get together and vote as ONE BLOCK, like the Democrats always do. Stop fighting among themselves and agree to do what president Trump wants.. But we have that segment in the Republican party that do not want to support Trump and does  want these loopholes closed because they are collecting enormous amounts of cash from  big business, corporations, and the chamber of commerce for their war chests knowing big business wants illegal labor to work for their companies. And the Democratic Congress people want all the illegals so they can vote in elections for their party.

Then you have the Republican.lawmakers that want to subvert Trumps agenda. They don't like him and never did,. Two good examples, Senator McConnell and Paul Ryan. They have obstructed presidents attempt to build the wall from the get-go and use every excuse to dissuade him at every opportunity. They always promise him--"next time", "next time." But there never is a "next time".

I'm glad to see Paul Ryan leaving, it's about time, not soon enough though.. And, McConnell, I wonder when Trump will come to realize that he is a large detriment to his agenda.

So, Republicans, get off your duffs, gather around and support president Trump and pass what he wants. Period.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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