The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Trump:


You promised after the fiasco on the omnibus bill you "would not" sign another bill like that again. You did not get any of the things you wanted because of the Democrats and the Republican establishment entrenched in Congress. Those established Republicans do not want to change the status quo in the cozy, financial and lucrative benefits they have been receiving all these years.

If you do not know it by now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and  House Speaker Paul Ryan ARE NOT  your friends. They are a major part of the swampy congress and establishment that have never wanted to or intend to follow your winning policies  and agenda. They, like Senators McCain Flake and Graham have not been with you from the "get go."

Mr. President, these  Republicans have been working against you to further their own agendas and protect the establishment and organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It is clear they actually want illegal aliens in the United States for the sake of "cheap labor." And Democrats want illegal aliens for votes. It has been that way for decades and  continues to this day.  It is obvious that McConnell and Ryan talk to you and give you what I believe  to be misinformation. They want you to keep kicking the can down the road on the wall and immigration like they themselves have been doing for decades. especially  when it come to strict immigration policy like lottery, chain migration and closing the loop holes in the law. How many times can they  whisper in your ear saying that if  you shut down the government it will affect the mid-terms.  That;s hogwash. Once you  postpone your decision, you can bet following  the mid-terms they will again tell you they do not want you to make waves or ask for a wall or  immigration reform because it will affect the 2020 presidential race and election.

Mr. President,  you clearly need people around you that support YOUR policies and AGENDAS. You should not have to support their agendas. Ryan and McConnell  have been throwing up roadblocks against you from the beginning and they were successful for approximately two years now.

You ran on immigration and the wall as a signature promise. So, I would suggest that you make these self-serving lawmakers like McConnell and Ryan follow your lead, you policy, your agenda. It is time for them to get on board or get out. Personally, I think Ryan should have been gone long ago. This man has always hurt you more that help you, and he's doing it in the name of the establishment.

It is enough you have to contend and battle against the resistant  Democrats and the biased media. You clearly do not need obstructionists like McCain, Flake, Graham, McConnell and Ryan thwarting your every move.

You, Mr. President, have done amazing things with the economy,  rules and regulation,  foreign and world affairs. Thus far, you have did more that previous presidents have  done in their eight year terms. Imagine what you could accomplish without these established  Republican anchors around your neck telling you "they know best." NEWS FLASH!  They are  a major part of the problem, not the solution. They do not want your type of change in Washington, They want to hold on to the power they had for these many decades.

I suggest you do not let them continue to get away with their self-serving agenda. My advice would be. SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT. Mr. President, it wasn't to  long ago that the Democrats were going to do the same thing.  And, when the government has been shut down in the past the world  did not end. Fact it, it seemed the government worked more efficiently during the shut down.  All that happens on a shut down is that a few parks and federal buildings close, non-essential federal personnel get time off and business goes on as usual.. And,  because of the federal rules-- all of the  federal employees always get back pay for being off. (Which I and many citizens across the country do not agree with). Some of these Republicans you have in leadership roles always back down on important bills, issues, and policy. They allow the Democrats to always win am argument . The Democrats always vote in lockstep but the Republicans  who are led by these feckless instigators lose all the battles. SHUT IT DOWN!

Mr. President, you promised the wall and immigration change. You said you would not sign another bill like the one the establishment Republicans talked you into signing in the recent past. Please keep you word and say what you mean and mean what you say. Do your own thing. Follow your own thinking and instincts.I believe you have been receiving bad advice from those in Congress. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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