The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 25, 2017



CALIF: Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

We, in America are drastically in need of an infrastructure makeover. We've needed it for decades and the politicians  and Washington nerds in Congress  sit on their duffs while the bridges, highways, dams,  and electric grids crumble around them.  But these partisan democrats and republicans who refuse to work together send our tax money to other countries around the world building those countries schools, roads, electric grids and borders.

One country that sticks out like a sore thumb is Afghanistan. Reconstruction of that miserable, good for nothing, piece of territory, who's only claim to fame is being the "opium" capitol of the world totals  more than THREE QUARTERS OF  of a "Trillion Dollars." And that's not including the $43.7 BILLION requested for  the year 2017. Folks, to date there has been "$115 BILLION dollars of taxpayer money spent on Afghanistan and their very, very corrupt government. I say, that's wrong!

Why should we, Americans, have our hard earned dollars taken from us in taxes and dumped in this cesspool of a country, where all of the warring tribes continually fight among themselves, kill our beloved military personnel and contribute "nothing" to the betterment of the United States.

Believe it or not, that  God forsaken place was much better off when the Taliban had control of the country decades ago.  With the Taliban in charge of  Afghanistan their people lived under their own barbaric culture and rules of their own religion. And, best of all, when the Taliban had control of the country they forbid opium from being cultivated and used by their citizens.

Once the U.S. decided to  use our democracy as a template to civilize  the Afghans and  began giving them money, building their schools, their roads, electric grids , gas  stations, and what ever else we  could be conned out of, they knew they had a gravy train and continued to request more of  our money, blood and treasure. What a rip off! And, our  dumb bunny senators and congressmen continue to pour more and more of our tax money into this money pit. What's the  old saying: "It's easy to spend other people's money." And you can bet the Washington lawmakers love doing that. If these idiot lawmakers had to spend  money out of their own pocket and bank accounts, I bet it would be a different story.

Folks, imagine what that $115 dollars already wasted in Afghanistan could have built  in the U.S. infrastructure. Imagine what the additional $43.7 billion dollars that is going to be spent in 2017 on Afghanistan would do for our own schools, roads, highways, dams, and bridges?

We built gas stations, schools and businesses in this Hellhole and those structures are now pieces of crumbling  rock, wood and cement, not being used at all. Didn't we learn anything from the Russian invasion into Afghanistan? Russia's countrymen fought and died over  eleven(11) years and finally pulled out of Afghanistan, but then, our dimwits in congress decided that we could make Afghanistan better. We have now been in that country longer than the eleven years Russia fought there - -and, FOR WHAT. We changed that country for the worse, like we did Iraq.

People,we have to tell our lousy incompetent, old worn out, incumbents in Washington to retire and go home. We need new blood in congress.  Term limits would solve a lot of the problems. Right now we see these idiots in  congress work only three or four days out of the month.Whoever heard of such a thing? We're lucky if we can see them work ninety(90) days throughout the year. If you or I only worked three or four days out of the month, we would be fired in short order.

Bottom line, these lawmakers who  serve six and seven terms and perpetually  run for reelection find it easy to spend OUR money on THEIR needs. They do not represent us. They represent themselves. Wake up folks! I want those billions of dollars these lawmakers are spending in Afghanistan to stop. I want them to direct that money to the good ol' USA's  schools, roads, bridges and infrastructure. --And,  that;s my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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