The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017



CALIF-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Yesterday, eleven passengers walked through a security checkpoint at  New York's JFK airport. There were no TSA personnel  guarding the security area. Three passengers set off metal detectors, but it still took TSA people over an hour or more to discover the breach. Wow!

The  Port Authority blames the TSA for the inability to find the passengers. Eventually, three passengers were identified through video. However,  these passengers got through the  security checkpoint, boarded the plane and arrived in California. TSA says, the passengers were screened when they arrived in California. Really, after the fact?  TSA also made the statement: "TSA feels confident that the incident presents minimal risk to the aviation transportation system." What?

TSA feels confident? Incident is a "minimal risk" to the aviation transportation system? Are you kidding me? Any of those passengers could have had a weapon! A bomb! Chemical agents! Box cutters! Fact is, they could have had a number of things or devices that could have put other passengers in danger. TSA and the Port Authority is  just covering their butt--(CYA).

If some tragic event would have occurred because of their incompetence, what would their excuse have been then? Come on, folks! Eleven passengers (all it takes is one), walked through a security position, without any scrutiny or check whatsoever. And, they set off metal detectors. Minimal risk? I would say BIG, BIG, risk.

It's no secret that the TSA  misses quite a large  number of weapons and fake bombs at a number of major airports throughout the country when they are randomly checked by their own security  during security check exercises. Most of these federal TSA employees are just interested in collecting their federal paycheck and benefits.

I've said many years ago and still hold the belief that the TSA should be replaced with a private security force. A company who works for a weekly paycheck, and is not protected by lifetime job security, and federal unions.

PRIVATIZE THE TSA. That move alone, would save us taxpayers millions of dollars a year and when and if the  private people screw up, they are fired or replaced. --And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached  by email at:

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