The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, January 9, 2017



CALIF-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Wow! President-elect Trump's pick for "National Security Communications" position should be scuttled. Why? Well, it appears Monica Crowley apparently tends to rely on other peoples words and thoughts. In June, 2012, she wrote the book"What the (Bleep) Just Happened." And the book  was reported to be a NY Times bestseller, published by Harper Collins. Can you imagine? However, according to media reports as recent as January 6th. and 7th., 2017, Ms. Crowley was said to have  PLAGIARIZED not only words and sentences from other peoples writing, she supposedly stole paragraph, after paragraph. To substantiate the claim of the plagiarized work CNN Money printed page after page of the stolen material and each and every word, sentence and paragraph was side by side with the area  highlighted in yellow marker. Whew! What was Crowley thinking when she plagiarized all of the material and the claim "she" wrote it?

Did Crowley scam the public? Did she misrepresent to the readers of the book? Many people across the country hold that opinion.

There were more than (50)  examples of her gross plagiarism taken from numerous sources that included news articles, other columnists work and writings, think tanks, and Wikileaks.

This lady holds herself out a a radio host, a columnist, and served as a FOX NEWS contributor. And now the Trump transition team wants her to serve as, get this: " SENIOR DIRECTOR of STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS for NATIONAL SECURITY." Are you kidding me? Why would the Trump administration want to be burdened with all this baggage. There are to many other fine journalists that offer writings and have communication skills, and who played by the book.

It seems to me  that Ms. Crowley has a problem coming up  with an original thought of her own. It has been reported that Crowley had also plagiarized in the past. According to reports in the media back on or about 1999, Crowley wrote a column  in the Wall Street Journal and her articled "mirrored" a 1988 article in the Commentary, a neoconservative  magazine. When confronted with the alleged plagiarism regarding the article, Crowley, at the time, denied the charge saying "I did not, nor would I ever use material from a source without citing it." Really? A journal editor that published her "mirrored" article said, (I'll paraphrase) "had we known of the parallels we would not have published the article."

I suspect that Crowley, over the years may have found it easier to further her career by copying other individuals and firms written works and claim it as her own , a basic CUT & PASTE job. And my question is: "If Crowley plagiarized in the past, (1999), and now does it again, more than a decade later, what's to stop her from doing it in the future? Some people think leopards can't change their spots. Maybe they're  correct. Crowley's actions are akin to a car thief: If  she has stolen 25 RED CORVETTES, chances are, the 26th.,car she steals will be a RED CORVETTE too. Folks, people are predisposed to do certain things. According to the reports on Monica Crowley. she tends to be predisposed to claiming other peoples and firms work as her own.

In the past there have been a number of journalists, newspaper reporters researchers, doctors, and think tank people that were caught plagiarizing and paid a stiff price for their false reporting. Many lost their jobs and many lost their careers.

Even after all of this information about Crowley's plagiarism  the Trump team is still seriously considering standing by Crowley, saying " Any attempt to discredit Monica is nothing more than a politically motivated attack that is meant to distract from the real issues facing this country." Sure, and that response is like  Hillary and Bill Clinton saying, "It's a Republican conspiracy.  Wake up team Trump! National Security communications is a "real issue." Especially "Strategic Communications."

What's this say about the Trump teams vetting procedures?  Presently, they are having enough trouble in the vetting of cabinet nominees. According to the Office of Government Ethics, team Trump's people have still not properly been vetted. But yet, they willy-nilly, without vetting Crowley's work and background choose to have her as a senior communications director of national security. The Trump team could have accessed numerous programs to check Crowley's work, but apparently they did not.

Instead of telling the lady that her past actions may present a huge problem and then looking to other applicants for the position I think they wrongfully choose to support someone that possibly could be detrimental to the Trump White House. Who's going to have confidence in someone who plagiarizes others materials?

There is also the question as to FOX NEWS and Crowley. How many at the network knew that she plagiarized her book?  How many knew and didn't say a word?It's very clear that the commentators and hosts at FOX are constantly pushing their books for sale and most all say their particular book is a bestseller and if any read Crowley's book, why wasn't she called out on the plagiarism?

Finally, I was a Trump supporter from the get-go.  From the day he announced, I was in his corner. I believed in my heart of hearts that he would bring a great change to this country. I've always voted for the person that I though would do the best job in office and I've cast ballots for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents and this election I thought Trump was the best for our country. However, to hear that his team is closing it's eyes to the facts of plagiarism that is laid out in "black & white, highlighted with yellow maker is a big disappointment. Come on! Senior Director of Strategic Communications of "NATIONAL SECURITY." If  the Trump team wants to hire Crowley, hey--- let her proof read speeches, or write invitations for  the White House parties, not have her hand in national security matters.

If Crowley is hired by the Trump team I really couldn't trust and won't trust any communications coming out of the White House or from the administration. I could not be sure if the printed word or correspondence being offered was in fact, THE TRUTH. Here's a woman that made big dollars off of a book that was  put together using materials from others and passed off as her own legitimate work. It looks like the book was a BIG LIE.  How can I, or anyone be expected to accept the truth, words and communications from a person that finds it so easy to cheat to advance a career. Lastly, where was Harper Collins, the publisher when they took Crowley's work on? Where was their vetting of the material before they published it? Like people say, --"It's all about the money." And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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