The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



CALIF: Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Boy, the corrupt media is something else.According to Donald Trump, Fox News and actual video tape disclosures the media goof-offs are anything but unbiased. They continue to degrade, insult and rip the Trump campaign to shreds. Yet, news items such as the Clinton emails, the Wiki-Leak revelations, the dishonesty and corrupt dealings of the Clinton foundation and the DNC go unreported. It has been reported that the journalists and news people spent 25 minutes hammering Trump but spent only between fifty and sixty seconds reporting on Clinton. Talk about piling on! Wow!

It's been said that 95 percent of donations from the journalists and media people went into the Hillary Clinton campaign pockets. Only 5 percent  of donations from these same people went into Republican campaigns. That's got to tell us something folks. It looks like the media is in the tank for the Clinton campaign.

If that's so, how can the average middle-class John and Jane Doe expect to get honest and trustworthy news reports from television, newspapers, etc.? They can't. It appears the news is manipulated  to such a degree that it is weighted in favor of the Democratic machine. The media idiots are tilting and skewing an election. Shame on them!

We only have a couple of weeks left in this presidential election and I would offer that the Trump camp saturate the airwaves and television screens with "positive ads" explaining  Trump's"Contract with America," laying out what he intends to do in the first 100 days in office. Have Trump make numerous campaign ads outlining  key points of his policy and  the differences between the Republican and Democratic positions on such things as, immigration, economics, foreign policy and job creation.

I submit that if the Republican party would rally around Mr. Trump and saturate the television with such ads, the ads would speak for themselves  and Mr. Trump would not have to be out there on the front lines being torn apart by the media hounds trying to derail his campaign.

I believe if Mr. Trump reads the campaign ad information away from the media dogs, and he clarifies  the  differences between himself and Hillary Clinton, along with the differences between the Republican and Democrat party, he would move up in the polls over -night.

A good example of  a campaign ad would be to tell all of the women across America what he is going to do about such things as child care; maternity leave; equal pay; term limits on politicians and jobs. Tell them how he is going to  allow them to put food on their table by better salaries, etc.

If the Republican party would help Mr. Trump do the ads, I would think the Republicans would win the election. The Republicans who are bashing Trump, those Republicans who  have sour grapes, who want to retain their Washington power should realize that if Trump wins they will still have their power. If they continue to try to bring Trump down (because they  have a personal vendetta) they are going to allow the Democratic party to change the course of this country in the worst way for generations to come.

I predict that if Trump is not elected, millions of voters will take their wrath out on the  snooty, snobbish, Republican wnnna-be  elites who snubbed their nose at a person that was not, or is not, a greedy politician. I personally think that if Trump fails to get elected a large part of the blame can be laid on the shoulders of the Republican  party. These Republican idiots really  believe that since Trump is not one of them ( a Washington insider), he's not worthy  to be president. Rather than thinking of what is best for the country  they are only thinking of themselves.

I would suggest the Republican party get off their  lazy duff, pour the money into the ads, stand behind Trump, get him elected and then surround him with the  smart, intelligent people that he would need to put all of his  policies in motion. -  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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