The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, September 1, 2016




CALIF: Hello America and how is the world treating you?

I refuse to watch FOX NEWS NETWORK anymore. Why? Easy! Because the FOX NEWS NETWORK is nothing but an "Infomercial" sales force. When you watch FOX you are watching an infomercial of "Commercials,", that's all. I'm not an expert with a stopwatch but I have been timing the commercial breaks with my trusty Timex wrist watch.

I dare and challenge anyone that is watching FOX to time the commercial breaks versus the supposed news they offer. I have found  over and over again, night after night, that FOX shows, O'Reilly, Kelly File, Hannity, and  Justice start their hour with FIVE MINUTES of commentary/news, etc. then, FIVE minutes later they say, "We'll be right back." "Stay with us."Guess what? They run FIVE minutes of commercials. In that, five minutes of commercials they run approximately TEN commercials, sometimes more. Then the shows host returns and talks to guests or rattles on themselves for another FIVE minutes. Then again, FIVE minutes worth of commercials. And folks, this goes on like this throughout the entire hour show. "FIVE MINUTES of supposed news or commentary and FIVE minutes of commercials. So, out of the entire  hour we viewers only get THIRTY minutes of events, news, etc.

And, if you notice, FIVE minutes before the show ends, at the top of the hour, the host, (for example,) HANNITY always says something like this, "Well be right back, stay with us. We need your help." Then it goes to commercial for four-and- a- half-minutes, or 4-minutes, forty-five seconds . Again approximately TEN commercials are run and he comes back about 15 seconds before the hour and  says, "That's all the time we have, thanks for watching. O'Reilly Kelly and the other hosts do the same thing.

When I first caught on to this commercial rip-off, I thought it was a fluke, but after watching for a couple weeks I found it was the norm for FOX news. In fact, you can hear Kelly, O'Reilly, or Eric (his fill-in host), or the Judge, often say to the guest. ":We have to go, we have a hard break coming up. And sometimes the guests and host are  automatically cut off mid-sentence for the commercial breaks. Apparently, the network has the commercials set on a computer.

People, I REFUSE to watch "infomercials" of commercials. If  FOX or any other network wants to saturate us viewers with commercials, they should PAY us to watch them.

I'm old enough to remember when cable shows came on the scene. Back then all TV viewers had to watch was ABC, NBC, and CBS. When the cable companies asked us television viewers to pay for cable, we asked, "WHY, should we pay to watch  television?" The cable companies answer, "Because there are no commercials. Cable is commercial free."And, that, folks, is what people paid cable companies for - commercial free television programming. Now look  how things have gotten out of hand.

Through the years, the cable companies greased the hands of politicians, special interests, and lobbyists and began running commercials on cable shows.
Even when commercials were being run on the major networks and cable shows the viewer could watch FIFTEEN MINUTES of the show, Example: In a half -hour show when they broke for commercial, the commercial was only three minutes in length, then the show returned to allow us to watch the remainder of the half-hour show. If it were an hour show, the commercials were  approximately THREE minutes, every FIFTEEN minutes of the show.

However, through the years, the television networks, in collusion with their sponsors, now have TEN MINUTES of the actual show followed by a full FIVE minutes of commercials. So, in a half-hour show we only see 20 minutes of  the show. TEN minutes of commercials. In an hour show, we see only 40 minutes of the show and a LONG, LONG  20 minutes of commercials. That's wrong folks. But it appears that is the norm for television programs now. TEN minutes of show, FIVE minutes of commercials (approximately TEN) commercials.

BUT REMEMBER- The GREEDY FOX NETWORK only wants the viewer to have FIVE minutes of  a supposed show and FIVE minutes of commercials (Ten or more commercials in that FIVE minutes.)

So, that is why I am boycotting and refusing to watch FOX NEWS. In the past their  shows like O'Reilly and, Hannity were good informative  platforms, but now, these hosts just fill in FIVE-minute segments with a bunch of babble, just to get to the FIVE minutes of commercials. RIP OFF! You bet.

I submit, what informative information can you, the viewer get in a FIVE-minute segment, especially when they have three guests at once  yelling and talking over one another, offering their party line. And sometimes the host of the FOX show joins in trying to be heard over the other three shouting guests. That leaves the viewer with a bunch of garbage.

I thought moderators and/or the host's job was to have control of the show but instead of telling each guest, "You'll all get equal time and get your turn," these nitwits allow the guests to run amok.  And then the hosts have the arrogance to say,  "Great debate." Are you kidding me! Debate? What FOX is offering is not a debate. All Fox guests do is offer an "opinion" and give a dissertation on the party line of whatever party they represent. What a joke. And, if you watch carefully, you'll see the same old worn out talking heads most every night and you know in advance what they're going to say before they say it because FOX puts the same ol', same ol' on the show most every day.

If you, the television viewer feels  like I do about commercials being rammed down our throats by greedy FOX NEWS, I would suggest you get your news and information from other sources like I am doing now. I have always read newspapers and magazines,(at least  in those  venues you can skip the ads and only read the important events,) You can read your tablet or phone, like I do. And, you can listen to radio for your news. A side note: Even on my tablet I refuse to click or tap on items that have a video with a commercial attached.

Folks, the TV networks, and cable companies make billions of dollars. The sponsors putting out these commercials make billions. I suggest that what the networks and cable companies should do is charge the sponsors more money to place their ads on  the television shows and then, --- give us viewers back out viewing time (FIFTEEN MINUTES OF SHOW and THREE MINUTES of commercial.)

If there is a reason for the people of this country to protest and march on Washington I would say it is this issue. Television is the only entertainment some households can afford. They should not have to be  exposed to over-saturation of commercials interrupting their viewing pleasures.

When the average television household is paying well over ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS a month  to watch TV , commercials should be at a minimum. Fact is, if these cable companies and networks want the viewers to watch commercials, THEY SHOULD BE PAYING US.

I mention FOX because I have been watching that network throughout the election cycle, But enough is enough. NO MORE! I haven't taken the time to time CNN and other cable channels but I do suspect they too are cheating us television viewers. It's bad enough watching most networks that offer TEN minutes of  the television show and then FIVE minutes of commercials (which amount to  TEN or more.)

Now that I refuse to watch FOX NEWS I'll look at other shows  to see which ones I'll cease to watch. I am also going to contact my Congressman and would suggest those that share my views about these greedy networks, sponsors, and cable companies do the same. It's about time our representatives step up and protect us from this outrageous gouging. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

You can reach doctor Kuhns at

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