The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, January 10, 2016



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The seizure of the Federal Wildlife Preserve in Oregon by ARMED anti-government extremists is unwarranted. These idiots are nothing but a bunch of radicals trying to provoke the federal government into an armed confrontation. All of these malcontents who ILLEGALLY took over the wildlife refuge by  brandishing rifles, sidearms and other weapon, who try to act macho implying that they will use the weapons against federal officers and other law enforcement people is ludicrous.

This groups first excuse was that they didn't want the Hammond father and son (TWO ARSONISTS) to go to prison. When the two arsonists reported to prison to serve their sentence this group of anti-government armed radicals then decided to continue to occupy the wildlife refuge saying they're fighting for  all of our rights. What a crock!

Once the Hammond clan went to prison the local sheriff asked the Bundy family and their toughies to leave the Oregon county and go back home to Nevada and where ever else they resided. But Ammon Bundy refused to do so and said he and his motley crew is going to stay and occupy the wildlife refuge.

Folks this situation all started when Cliven Bundy from Nevada failed to pay at least a million dollars in fees to the federal government. The government made a move to confiscate the Bundy families cattle in 2014. The move resulted in the Bundy family and  others organizing, taking up weapons and threatening to fight off any law enforcement that took their cattle. Because these idiots were armed the federal officers and local law enforcement backed down and refused to confiscate the law breaking Bundy families cattle. What did that do? That emboldened this wannabe soldier group to look for other excuses to act out in other parts of the country. Fact is, many of the same people now in Oregon who are occupying the wildlife refuge  were involved in the Cliven Bundy fiasco in 2014.

If these armed militia people really wanted to get their point across they should follow the laws of the land. They can contact their senators, contact congress people, contact local and state lawmakers, use the court system, etc.,  - - these anti-government people could also start internet petitions, use the social media to gather support and network through media. BUT, they SHOULD NOT arm themselves, invade and occupy government and/or local properties.

These men and women who like to threaten people with guns,who forcefully take over and occupy property that they have no right to do should be taken to task.   At the time of the Bundy family stand off in 2014 here in Nevada  I predicted that the government should have not backed down against this rag tag group of lawbreakers. I said that if the government DID NOT prosecute some of the Bundy family members and many of the armed radicals who openly threatened to use lethal force against law enforcement this same group would rear their ugly head again some place else in the near future. WELL! Was I right? You bet. People, the feds should have scooped up the Bundy family cattle, sold them at auction and sent Cliven Bundy to prison. That would have put an end to this families urge to confront the federal government and local law enforcement with weapons.

Since the federal government turned tail and ran away from what should have been a lawful, legal arrest of the Bundy family and cohorts in 2014, we now have this INSURRECTION playing out in a small town in Oregon. This shouldn't have happened folks but because  these make believe soldiers who claim to be a militia got away with having the feds and local law enforcement back down a couple years ago they think they have the right to pull the same crap again. Thus, Ammon and  Ryan Bundy decided to call on their fake army of idiots to occupy the wildlife refuge in Oregon.

Folks, if you or I owed the federal government a MILLION DOLLARS in fees, taxes, etc.,  how long do you think it would be before they would have us sitting out many years in prison? But this Bundy clan failed to pay the government a million dollars for about TWENTY YEARS. Go figure. Fact is, the father of the Bundy family is still a very free man - -and to date has not paid the money he owes the federal government.

My position  is that when the federal government chickened out, backed down and failed to enforce the law at gunpoint, it gave the group of radicals the energy to push their crazy movement.

Do these radical bums really think that they will actually shoot at and try to kill federal agents or local law enforcement? If they do, they are crazier than I think they are.They like to be brag and flash guns around and make implied threats that they will use the guns against law enforcement but when it comes to dying, will they? I doubt it. The feds and local law enforcement should call their bluff. The authorities should give these anti-government idiots a short time frame to pack up and leave ---else, they will  be taken into custody and arrested. The authorities should not repeat the same tactics they did  in the 2014 Bundy fiasco and back down. - -again, I say - -PROSECUTE. After spending a few years in prison I'm sure some of these pretend soldiers, militia, patriots, (whatever they call themselves) will have an entirely different outlook of using weapons and threats to occupy property.

If, in the event one of these crazy idiots does decide to fire a weapon at federal agents or local law enforcement, the authorities should respond in kind and shoot, maim and kill a few of these lawbreakers. I would predict that the group would then turn tail and  scurry back home. However, I  tend to believe that the Bundy brothers and their band of misfits in Oregon want to provoke the feds and local law enforcement into a confrontation. I say - -,so be it. The authorities should take these clowns on. First thing is to arrest the people  who are occupying the wildlife refuge -- see if they resist. If they do and it comes to armed force the authorities shouldn't hesitate. Do the job.

Another concern of mine is why the local sheriff is coddling this bunch of losers. He asked them to leave, they should have left, but didn't. I'm also sure there's many laws on the books in Oregon that the sheriff could use to place these occupiers in custody. Come on! Trespass; Civil Disobedience; Disturbing the Peace . Hey, even spitting on the ground. My point--there is a law somewhere on the books to take action against these people. Use it.

Final though folks, do you think for one moment that if this group of WHITE agitators, who seem to hate the government with a passion were  a group of ARMED BLACKS, HISPANICS, ASIANS, or even MUSLIMS, who illegally took over and occupied a government facility they would still be allowed to occupy the premises for days at a time. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. I say that if it were anybody but this WHITE group of so-called patriots in Oregon, there would be armed federal agents and armed local law enforcement surrounding the compound, helicopters buzzing the area, armored vehicles in position and snipers at the ready. People, if these occupiers =ere anybody but WHITE (so-called patriots) it would be a situation like Ruby Ridge or Waco, Texas. The situation would be treated like a  fire fight in Chicago streets.

My suggestion to the federal and local government authorities: Order the group to leave; if they don't -- arrest the entire group and prosecute this time around. If worse comes to worse and these crazies decide to take up arms against law enforcement - -take them out, period. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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