The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015



LAS VEGAS -Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

TRUMP! Boy is the liberal press and media trying to give Trump a black eye. But so far,  it appears their tactics are not working. He is in a crowded field of seventeen (17) Republican candidates. However, he is leading in the polls to date and tomorrow he will be in the debates against nine other candidates. The media and the Latino community has widely criticized  his comments about immigrants from Mexico (meaning illegal immigrants who are in the country illegally.) He said:
" They're sending people that has lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with (them") . On June 16th., during his announcement for president he went on to say: "they're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapist. And, some, I assume are good people."

Folks, the media and talking heads on TV and many Republicans running for president and many Democrats blast that speech. But, as they regurgitate those words on  television they conveniently ALWAYS leave out the  part where Trump said: " AND SOME, I ASSUME ARE GOOD PEOPLE. All these supposedly fair people only spout the words: They're rapists, they're bringing drugs. What a bunch of low blows the lawmakers and media reporters throw out there. It clearly shows  they are  not unbiased. These news people and lawmakers fail to say that Trump said he loved the Mexican people. Hell, he bring all kinds of foreign workers into the US on Visas to work his properties AND he does it the legal way. But again, the lawmakers that are running against him and the media people fail to mention that  fact.

I ask you people-what part of Trumps comments were NOT not the truth? There are rapists among the illegal aliens that  cross our US border. They do bring crime. They do bring a lot of problems into the USA. I would suggest a check of the numerous statistics and reports as to how many illegal aliens are in prison versus citizens of the US for rape, robbery and even murder.

And yes, like Trump said: We can assume there are good people  coming into the US but in my opinion, how can they actually be good if they intentionally break the law and enter the United States illegally? I would say the GOOD immigrants are the ones who stand in line and wait their turn and then  file the proper paper work and eventually take the tests for citizenship.

I believe that Trump is leading in the polls the day before the August 6th. debates because people are tired of the same old rhetoric being spewed out by the same old, tired, worn out Republicans and Democrats. Trump is  a breath of fresh air for us Americans. He says what he believes and does not read a scripted sheet of talking points that are laid out  in advance by the leaders of both parties.

Right now Trump is saying what a lot of American citizens think but are afraid to say because of the "political correct" climate set down by the current administration. Where did the idea of free speech go? Folks, some groups and Trump's competitors for president may not like what he said but HE HAS RIGHT to say it.

Trump said he wanted to take control of our borders. For decades everyone  in the country  has known that out borders are like a piece of Swiss cheese.  Immigrants from all over the world  cross our border through Mexico and they come here with contagious disease, some with criminal records and yes, there have been terrorists that entered our country illegally. And now, people are bad mouthing Trump because he may actually have a plan to seal our border?

Trump said he wanted to build a wall to take care of the unwanted influx of illegals crossing our borders. I say, what's the matter with that. Prior administrations, both Republican and Democrat promised to build a wall and NEVER DID. They talk a  great story but  their actions are limp, weak and non-existent. The lawmakers  PROMISED but failed to deliver. Right now OBAMA gave the okay for the U.S. to help build a wall between Turkey and Syria,France and the UK are building a fence and wall at their tunnel to stop the influx of illegal aliens. Israel has built walls to separate groups. The U.S. helped split Bosnia to separate groups.Most of the current lawmakers in Washington  do live behind FENCES and WALLS to be separate from us everyday people. In most every city and state the rich live behind walls to be safe and secure and away from possible harm  yet they refuse to build a wall the length of out southern border to protect American citizens.

What perplexes me is why the LEGAL Latino community who arrived on these shores the right way continue to act like a bunch of sheep or a herd of cattle and  try to protect the illegals doing harm to the United States just because they may be of Latino heritage.

I am looking forward to tomorrows debate to see if Trump has plans and a policy for  bringing back America and  rebuilding the American dream and to listen carefully to the other candidates to evaluate their plans  and policy for rebuilding America with jobs, infrastructure and prosperity. Personally, I vote for the person that I think will do the best job for the country. I listen to all candidates whether Republican or Democrat and then make my decision. I have always been Independent and refuse to vote  just because a political  party suggests that one should be a Democrat or Republican and vote their party line.

Lets look at the situation-Trump is financing his presidential bid with his own money. This guy puts his OWN money where his mouth is. The other candidates are attending what I describe as BEG-A-THONS in California, Las Vegas and other cities around the country kissing the rings and butts of  billionaires like Adelson from Las Vegas, the Koch brothers and other large contributors who clearly want access to the White House to further their own private agendas. Trump is beholden to no one for money. He is running for president because he wants to change the country and improve the USA. The other candidates are running to help themselves (as politicians) and  their large contributors. Trump is not a professional politician. He is a business man doing good around the world building jobs. I believe that is why people like the man. He does his thing on his own.

If I were on the panel tomorrow asking questions , one of the questions I would ask all the other candidates is: Are you financing your campaign with your own money? Do you want to bet what the answer would be? Give the man a chance people. In any event tomorrows debate should be interesting and fun. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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