The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, May 22, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

There is a scheme running rampant that allows pregnant Chinese women to come to the U.S. on bogus visas. And, the Congress and Fed's sit back and let this happen. But occasionally they do bust some of the fraud rings. Recently in southern California the Feds decided to target "BIRTH TOURISM" where Chinese pregnant women travel to the U.S. on fraudulent visas so that their children will be born in the United States. The illegal operators charge the Chinese women tens of thousands of dollars that guide expectant mothers through the process of obtaining fraudulent tourist visas and coaching them on how to successfully make their way into the U.S. and then housing them for months as they wait to give birth.

Many agencies advertise out in the open and run an ad stating:  "maternity hotels OR birthing centers" offering the women assistance in getting their newborns a U.S. passport and telling the women of all the wonderful things that come with American citizenship, public education and immigration benefits for parents.The illegal operators  help the pregnant women falsify records for their visa screening and coach them on how to lie to say  they are traveling to the U.S., as tourists.

Folks, just one affidavit from the Feds indicated that about 40,000 of 300,000 children born to foreign citizens in the U.S. each year were products of "Birth Tourism." Note: many of the women were told to enter the United States through popular destinations such as Hawaii, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, make and book tour packages, hotel reservations to make their stories convincing, according to a southern California based operation known as:  "YOU WIN USA."

Keep in mind  this BIRTH TOURISM scam is not only Chinese women, even through they are one of the biggest offenders. Women from Korea, Turkey Taiwan have also been caught up i the round up. And, lets not forget the Hispanics from Mexico that continually shove  pregnant women though the wire, fences, and in car trunks at the U.S. southern border so their babies can be born in the United States. The people from Mexico and South America set the standard for fraudulent birth tourism years ago. Is it any wonder that immigrants from other nations followed suit?

People, my personal feelings is that Congress should finally get together and sing from the same hymn book and make it law of the land that anchor babies are no longer citizens of the U.S. They should be made a citizen of their ORIGIN country and their parents birth country. I say, ENOUGH is ENOUGH. It's time for our lawmakers to act and stop this unwarranted assault on our soil by cheating, lying immigrants who expect all the benefits and freebies of being a citizen of these United States. Plus, we, in America CANNOT keep absorbing the flow of the hundreds of thousands a year of the  BIRTHING TOURISM  scam.

I would suggest that all of my readers write, email and telephone their lawmakers in Washington and DEMAND that Congress close the loophole which allows a baby to become a citizen of the U.S. just because a mother comes here pregnant and drops the baby on our soil. And, -- that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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