The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, December 22, 2014



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Sony canceled the release of the movie "THE INTERVIEW" after hackers said they would bomb theaters that showed the film. Many movie stars and politicians started to snivel and cry that it was a cave in on the part of Sony which restricted "free speech." President Obama even put his two cents in by criticizing  Sony. These people apparently believe that daring terrorists to bomb theaters and places here in America  is a good thing. They're saying, in effect, "knock the chip off my shoulder, I dare you." How dumb is that?

This is not a case of another country trying to impose "censorship" on the United States like some want you to believe. The threat by the Guardians of Peace should be take seriously. They want to make a point and bomb theaters if the movie is shown. So I would say, why agitate and provoke these crazies? Just stop the release of  a movie that many critics gave the thumbs down to who said the film was basically a piece of junk . You can't blame the theaters. They wanted to protect their moviegoer patrons and I am in total agreement with their actions. What  movie theater owner would want  the death of one or more people their hands? Their liability would be over the top if an attack occurred after being warned. And you can bet all of the politicians, actors and headline grabbing people would be the first to bad mouth any and all theaters that showed the crummy movie "The Interview" after experiencing a bombing.

I think Sony's C.E.O. Michael Lynton did the right thing by pulling the movie. They, in fact though about the  welfare of the American people. Sony said they were concerned about the possibility of a cyber terrorist bombing and the killing of people in theaters located in shopping malls and communities around the United States. One of the main reasons Sony did pulled the movie is because many movie theaters around the country REFUSED to show it. I believe they acted prudently and correctly in making the decision to  stop any showing of the movie. You also can't blame the the theaters. They wanted to protect their moviegoer patrons and I am in total agreement with their actions. What  movie theater owner would want  the death of one or more people their hands? Their liability would be over the top if an attack occurred after being warned that the attack would occur. And you can bet all of the politicians, actors and headline grabbing people would be the first to bad mouth any and all theaters  that showed the crummy movie "The Interview" after a bombing.

Can you imagine if Sony went ahead and  allowed the film to be shown in  theaters around the country and even just one theater was bombed somewhere in  the U.S.  killing a number of moviegoers? All of the talking heads and the president would be the first to accuse Sony of total disregard for the American peoples safety. They would accuse Sony of being greedy and only interested in making money. In all likelihood  the people blasting Sony for their decision would insist that Sony should have known the terrorists claim was sincere. These same idiots would want to sue Sony for the deaths of God knows how many people who may have died in a bombing.

I guess the president, politicians and others fail to learn from experience. The  terrorists we are now fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria told us (the USA) years ago they did not want us on their soil and/or meddling in their internal affairs but the arrogance of the USA, the White House, and war monger lawmakers initiated and commenced a war, one lasting 13 years and still going. The terrorists recently beheaded a number of Americans telling America that the reason for their vicious acts was because the USA would not leave their country. It is very clear that terrorists say what they mean and have no compunction about retaliating against would-be enemies.

Folks, this cyber attack on Sony was planned in advance by the "Guardians of Peace." They knew exactly what they wanted to do -- and did it. They intentionally released private information to the Internet like they said they were going to do; they then released a second batch of information like they said they were going to do  -- SO, what makes these clowns in Washington, the White House and the movie industry think that the group would not bomb one or more theaters ... killing people here in America and elsewhere.

The president, some over-the-hill politicians in Congress and others including some movie stars that want their fifteen minutes before the cameras claim it is a matter of free speech and democracy. Come on! It's  nice to wave the flag and be patriotic but to outright dare terrorists from around the world to bomb theaters and kill Americans is lunacy . Hell, it's ONLY a movie people and from what I understand from some  movie critics, a bad one. Get a grip. Sony erred on  the side of caution and clearly did  not want to be responsible for any theater bombing and/or the  death of even one American. Plus, keep in mind Sony lost MILLIONS of DOLLARS by pulling the film off of the market. And get this, some of these billionaire actors and actresses are currently SUING SONY because information about them was released on the Internet. I would wonder why they are suing Sony. It is acknowledged that this information release was a cyber-terrorist act. Sony certainly didn't have any control of what the terrorists did.

And, to complicate the matter even further  we have race-baiters like Al Sharpton jumping into this situation screaming that there is a divide between whites and blacks at Sony after hearing about some comments made  in Sony emails. Here he goes again trying to mine gold by inflaming racial hatred. That is how Sharpton and others exist.  He and others make their living in front of the news media pretending to ask for justice (as they see it in their own mind.)  I personally wouldn't trust Sharpton or believe anything he said.  He has a reputation of slimy, sleazy acts going back decades for stirring up mobs and  encouraging racial hatred even before the days of the Tawana Brawley rape hoax of 1987. Lets not forget the Duke  University rape hoax of 2006 Sharpton got involved in nor the Ferguson riots that he also took part in.

Lets not forget sleazy Sharpton's  past actions. He  counseled and represented a teenager (15-year-old)  Tawana Brawley years ago.  Sharpton and others concocted a story and accused police officers and a prosecutor of a gang rape against this teenager. In October 1988, a Grand Jury concluded that there was no rape whatsoever. The attorneys representing Brawley had their  legal license revoked and Sharpton was found "guilty" of defamation brought by prosecutor Steven Pagones.

But still, today, in 2014, he was at the side of New York City Mayor deBlasio a few weeks ago where both men made anti-police comments. Sharpton also demanded and got an audience with Sony executives.  If I were the Sony executives I wouldn't have let Sharpton and others like him who agitate, provoke and stir the flames of racial hate to set one foot in the office. His gobbly-goop is the same as it has been even before the Brawley rape fiasco years ago. Basically, he says, hire more blacks and fire some of your executives or my Network organization will picket, march and boycott your organization. To me those tactics sound a lot like extortion. But Sharpton  and a few other groups spouting his same point of view and game plan have been making such demands on corporations and businesses for decades and many corporations and businesses have caved to his demands. This from a man who has, LIED, CHEATED , manipulated a 15-year-old teenager to take part in his offensive, deceitful race hating  plan of accusing police officers and a prosecutor of gang rape. My question: Why is Sony even allowing this type person in their office?

It appears many people are jumping on the band wagon to attack Sony for their decision making. Yet, if a bomb did explode in any theater anywhere in America these same looney tunes would talk out of the other side of their mouth saying they were not expecting a terror group to carry out a threat.

As a side note it is reported in American media and by the FBI that North Korea is responsible for the theft and release of the Sony information. I would pose the question: What if North Korea didn't do the cyber attack? These accusations against North Korea appear to be the Iraq weapons of mass destruction  (WMD's)  scenario all over again. Hussein kept insisting that his country did  not have WMD's but our lawmakers and people in power in Washington made up stories, manipulated and manufactured documents and information to tell the American people that Iraq had WMD's so there would be an excuse to start a war. In the Sony case some politicians and war hawks look for someone to blame and rationalize their acts. Now Washington, with the complicity of the FBI is BLAMING North Korea even though no one really knows who, where or why and how Sony was hacked. It's a blame game people -- like always. But the administration is determined to make North Korea the boogy-man for reasons only know to Washington.

I don't believe North Korea is behind the hacking. I have always maintained from the get-go that the information accessed and released ,especially about the movie stars that came out suggested to me that the Sony hack was an INSIDE job. I also believe that the FBI once again  jumped to the conclusion that North Korea did the hacking just to "stir the pot" so to speak. As always the FBI wanted to look like the white hat good guys but in reality may have an agenda to incite the powers to be in Washington and the White House to take action against North Korea.

Let me put it this way: The so called programming hacking  format that was used to hack Sony had a lot written in Korean but rather than investigate thoroughly the G-Men jumped the gun and already made flat out statements that they knew FOR CERTAIN and had evidence that the hack came from North Korea. What some of the lame FBI investigators didn't know was that the  program language and methods used that contained some Korean indices is used by tens of thousands of hackers and hacking groups around the world and those same characteristics used in the Sony hack are used daily by millions of hackers world-wide. Talk about bad investigation - -it looks like the FBI continues to bungle investigations by using innuendo, suppositions and manipulation in order to make a case. This is not the first time the FBI had egg on its face and it won't be their last. As a former criminal investigator myself it's hard for me to understand the mind set of some of these investigative agencies when they overlook obvious connections and try to shortcut investigations.

Again, my take on the Sony hack job is: It was an inside job. Someone who had an ax to grind with Sony. Revenge, extortion, etc. Someone that had knowledge and access to the servers at Sony. I would tell the FBI and any investigating body looking into the Sony breach to look for an ex-employee, possibly one that was fired in the not to distant past; one that knew the Sony server protocols and one who had the knowledge and capabilities to reach into the Sony servers. The selected information that was leaked about the actors and actresses SCREAMS --- INSIDE JOB because it appears the hacker(s) specifically wanted those persons to take action against Sony.

So, president Obama, FBI and all the lame-headed lawmakers on capitol hill that is  going off half cocked  rallying the American people against North Korea based on suspect information  told them by the FBI I say your sniffing up the wrong skirt. Look inside Sony FIRST.

Kudos to Sony, their administration and staff for not trying to be macho and dare any terrorist group to bomb America, to kill Americans and kudos to all of the movie theaters who REFUSED to show the film. Both Sony and the movie theater owners used common sense in making the decision to pull the film from theaters. --  And,  that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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