The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 15, 2014




LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Harry Reid is still trying to pass an unemployment extension. The multi-BILLION dollar cost of the program is one that we taxpayers cannot afford.

As  mentioned in some of my previous blogs there are people out there that have been collecting unemployment for over two years. It appears many of these unemployed people do not want to work. If a person can't find a job within the state's 13 week unemployment  benefits payment and the additional 13 week extension there is something going on with that job seeker.

Folks, Senator Harry Reid and his buddies want to make the  unemployment payments retroactive to December. What is that? If an unemployment benefits package is passed it should not include months of retroactive benefits. That is wasted monies. It appears the unemployed has been surviving all these months and they clearly do not need a whooping check of retroactive benefits.

If Senator Reid gets his way this unemployment package will ding us working taxpayers approximately $13 BILLION dollars for a six (6) month extension of benefits.

Oh, and get this: Reid and his supporters want to allow people who are currently collecting Social Security disability benefits to also collect unemployment benefits. WOW! I submit that if a person is disabled and already collecting Social Security disability benefits- -how can they collect unemployment benefits if they  are in fact, UNABLE TO WORK?

I would suggest:
* All applicants be interviewed on a regular basis and determine as to why they can't find work.
* Determine if the applicant needs job training.
*If a person refuses any offer to take a job of any type of suitable work, they should be denied unemployment benefits.
* If he/she refuses to apply for any suitable work as referred by a state employment agency they should be refused unemployment benefits.
* No applicant that is already collecting Social Security disability benefits should be allowed to collect unemployment benefits. The rule should be: "Either/Or."

Folks, ever since this federal unemployment extension ( A TEMPORARY PROGRAM) was  started years ago we taxpayers have been supporting a whole new sub-class  of people. They collect unemployment benefits for years and learn to live within the income stream from those benefits and are  more than happy to go through life living on the unemployment income. In fact, it has been proven that many of these unemployed persons have actually given up looking for a job. They are happy with the government hand out and expect it.

Another fact, when the unemployment benefits were not renewed thousands of the unemployed people cried the blues saying they had no time to prepare for the cut off. Really? Every one of the unemployed people knew exactly when their unemployment checks would terminate. However they expect the government to continue the payments into eternity as a regular paycheck.

It is  a sad state of affairs when a group of people expect the government to continue to support them for years and years, if not indefinitely . Right now we have millions of people on the unemployment roles and many of these same people are collecting food stamps and welfare.

It is obvious that one person sees their neighbor gaming the system receiving benefits and decides they want that too. So they go on the same dole.

I urge the reader to look at some of the people collecting unemployment ,welfare benefits and food stamps. They show up wearing the latest name brand sneakers, Levi's, and clothes available out there. They drive up to the offices in Buick's, Cadillac's and expensive SUV's. I saw some driving a Mercedes Benz. And lets not forget to look at the cell phone these unemployed, welfare, food stamp people have glued to their ear while waiting to receive their check. Many of these  gaming the system have all those goodies and at home they enjoy the best cable (ALL THE PREMIUM CHANNELS) and high speed Internet connections available. It's all on us working stiffs, taxpayers dime.

Bottom line: I object to any  extensions of the federal unemployment program. Enough is enough. I think the unemployed person should be able to collect unemployment for the 13 weeks, with an extension of an additional 13 weeks from their state BUT after that nothing. PERIOD. If they know that they will run out of benefits after 26 weeks (6 months) they will go out and find a job. They will know they will  have to have a job in six months. That's more than fair.

In closing that 13 BILLION DOLLARS for another 6 month unemployment extension could go a long way fixing our roads bridges, our electrical grids and infrastructure across the country. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D, O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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