The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, April 26, 2013



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Here we go again. The administration is saber rattling and provoking another full blown war. The hawks in the administration are screaming that Syria is using chemical weapons. Really? Where's the proof. The Syrian government said that the rebels has used chemical weapons but the U.S. doesn't want to hear that argument.

That info doesn't matter to the old, grey-haired, over the hill politicians, like Senator John McCain , that has been in Washington for  decades from flexing their stunted brain power screaming for United States military action against Syria. Don't these idiots learn from past mistakes. Not in the too distant past their misinformation had them bomb factories in other countries saying there were chemical weapons  in the building but  after the bombing our Washington  armchair warriors found out that there was "No" chemical weapons. But the destruction and death caused by the bombings were chalked up to collateral damage.

McCain is yelling his head off like "chicken little" saying, "Syria crossed the "RED LINE" and the United States should immediately bomb Syria. And then to promote his view he is DARING Obama to use military action. He and his war mongering colleagues are saying that if Obama doesn't take action and use military force against Syria after Obama  stated that use of chemical weapons would be a game changer in the Syria situation it would be an embarrassment to the United States.

These out of step politicians that have a mind set of an old dinosaur are acting like a bunch of kids daring countries to knock the chip off of each shoulder.

What McCain and  his ilk should remember is "don't go off half cocked. I submit that if they keep daring Syria and provoking military action  Bashar al-Assad will  actually pull the pin on his chemical weapons arsenal with reasoning of: "What do I have to lose."

Boxed in a corner and accused of using the chemical weapons he might decide to unleash those weapons on his countrymen and  neighboring countries - - ALL BECAUSE of our Washington idiots pushing for military action in a civil war that is none of our business.

I have always said , let these warring countries fight their own civil wars and then when the dust clears and there is a winner who comes out on top that is the regime we, the United States, deals with.

Sticking our nose into other countries internal conflicts and spending billions of our tax dollars supporting regimes that we think we want in a particular country is WRONG!

My thought is that when our administration and our political dummies on the hill want to take our   mind away from such things as high gas prices, high food prices, poverty in America, transportation costs, border security, immigration, etc., they get us mired down in another war or conflict in another country telling the masses that it is a matter of National Security and a threat against America in order to take our mind off of  our serious domestic problems we have here at home in the good ol' USA. Mark my words, its only a matter of time, the near future, that the lawmakers in Washington take military action and has weapons inside Syria while rationalizing the operation to the American people as a "must do" operaton. What a joke. - - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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