The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, August 9, 2012



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Legalize Drugs: I think there is a good argument to legalize drugs, especially ,Marijuana. Let me start out by saying many, many lawmakers and the administration had said: "We are losing the war on drugs." And, my view is - - -" we are."

Folks, over 70 percent of all illegal drugs coming into the U.S.A. is marijuana. If only that drug, marijuana, was legalized tomorrow it would bring a screeching halt to the gangs on the streets of our country fighting for sale and distribution of marijuana. Second, it would  stop many deaths, some,( was our brave customs agents) on our Southern border..The Mexican narco-gangs are so brazen they actually cross our borders and shoot it out with out agents as they attempt to bring tons and tons of marijuana into the United States in one shipment. If marijuana were legalized in this country the incentive for the crooks would be gone.  A legal product is a "no-go" for the gangs and criminals-NO PROFITS.

If marijuana were legalized and taxed like cigarettes, alcohol,  and other products it would bring billions of dollars into state and Federal coffers. It would prevent kids being recruited into the sale of the drug. You don't see kids standing on the corner selling cigarettes and  booze. Why? Because it is legal.

When something is illegal, that is when you will find both adults and children selling it. One word, "PROHIBITION". When booze was illegal, there were hundreds of killings a year, all over the country.

We had Mafia and organized crime. When alcohol was banned, the criminal gangs run rampant, slaughtering people in  the streets. However, when it became legal, the murder rate dropped to nearly zero for those involved in the illegal alcohol rackets.

Other countries have legalized all type's of drugs, not just marijuana, and it did not throw the nation into ruin. In fact Portugal recently decriminalized every drug, including- - opium, cocaine, crack and other drugs. Guess what?  The number of addicts and drug abusers declined. Me, I am just advocating decriminalizing MARIJUANA in the USA.

Another plus  in legalizing marijuana would the billions of dollars saved by incarcerating millions of people each year. And, the big, big plus would be the billions this country would save on paying law enforcement agents and their agencies for fighting a losing battle with marijuana use. The law enforcement agencies could then give their time and attention to the hard drugs  that are ravaging this country.

There are times I think our administration and  lawmakers in this country do not want to get a handle on the drug war. It appears they want to keep thousands of law-enforcement people on the job, spending billions of dollars on salaries, specialized equipment, conferences, meetings, etc., for their own reasons while admitting that we have lost  the drug war. I submit, that is insane and stupid. The administration, politicians and lawmakers continue to pump  all those dollars that are needed elsewhere into a lost war and expect different results.

If these idiot lawmakers would realize that if they would legalize just "one drug", Marijuana, it would make a big dent in the so-called drug war and at the same time bring in billions of dollars in tax revenue.

Come On! 70% of all illegal drugs  being  brought into this country is marijuana and our lawmakers close their eyes to the fact that they can benefit by controlling the sale and distribution. How dumb is that?

And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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