The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, June 7, 2012



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Downsizing and restricting soft drinks to 16 ounces "could" curb obesity consumption say New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He and his puppet regime , the  "Health and Human Services Commission and Thomas Farley continue to chip away at peoples freedom and choice. To rationalize  his ban he falls back on the " Beating the dead Horse" argument "It's a health issue." That's baloney. Everything a person eats or drinks is a health issue. Could  and should can be interpreted in many ways. Bloomberg's pastrami and corn beef sandwiches he eats COULD , and is, a health issue, his tea or coffee COULD, and is, a health issue. desserts he, his family and relatives consume  COULD, and is, a health issue.

This guy, with his billions of dollars bought himself an extra term in office is nothing more that a dictator. He  waves his hand and mandates what is good for New Yorkers telling them what they can eat and drink and,  how much. First Bloomberg banned smoking in the city's bars, restaurants, parks and beaches. Why? Because he was a non-smoker. Talk about a conflict of interest? He had his own personal agenda and because he was a nonsmoker he  banned tobacco use for everyone in the city. If he were  honest he would admit it. He called in favors  using his power and money and instructed his Health and Human Services zombies who do not want to offend him to control Trans Fats for everyone in the city. That not being enough, he  again ordered his zombie Health Service people to regulate calories, and now - - SODA.

This guy reminds me of  those small inadequate leaders in Korea and Iran who pass laws, institute bans and mandates telling their people what they can eat, drink and how to live. Those dictators, not unlike Bloomberg tells their people it is for their own good and that he is looking out after them. He says he knows what is good for them. WOW!

Why is it that all these small inadequate leaders try to make up for their own inadequacies by using  their money and power to control people and their behavior? Bloomberg's close circle of friends and colleagues have been rubber stamping all of his demands and wishes  much too long. He is a small man, with a small mind who has a small view of the world about what this great country was founded on- - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness AND freedom of choice.

When are the people of New York City going to say, "enough is enough?" Wake up New Yorker's. Quit being  a bunch of sheep.Ba, Ba, Ba, - -stop following Bloomberg's destructive bans. Stripping people of their freedom of choice like this little  wanna-be do-gooder has been doing is  tearing down America,

Mark my word: If  New Yorker's do not stand up to this little man his next move will be how much food   and what  food you are allowed to eat. It will not stop with burgers, bacon, pies, cakes, and anything  Bloomberg feels can bring on diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems.

BUT PEOPLE, there are literally thousands and thousands  of  food and drink items that might contribute to anyone being diagnosed with those ailments Bloomberg drags out  and holds up as an example for his crazy silly bans.

Parents can educate their children as to what foods  and how much they want them to eat and adults are smart enough to make their own choices. In this country, for centuries,  the free American people have been doing just fine making their own choices. Instead of passing bans on  food and drink, or for that fact, any legal product that a person might want to put into their body our lawmakers should do what they already have been  doing for decades. Just put warning labels on the product and allow the people to make up their own mind as to whether they was to consume it. Warning labels is all the American people need. What we do not need is a little Napoleon running amok in or society, using their money and power to enjoy what they like while at the same time suppressing what others might like.

Finally, the people of  New York and other states all around the country should rise up in peaceful protest and demonstrate their opposition to the Big Brother, Nanny state mentality.I say if, little guy, Bloomberg,  doesn't want to drink more that 16 ounces of Soda, eat Trans Fat,  enjoy a fine cigar or a cigarette, -- or wants to keep his calorie count down that is certainly his choice and rightly so. But it is not his prerogative to dictate and his force his personal likes and dislikes on the rest of us.

People are going to live and die each and every day like they have been doing since the beginning of time by way of making their own choices and lifestyle throughout their life. That's the cycle of life. Bloomberg's doctrine is lame and it stinks. And,-  that is my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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