The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lindsay Lohan-Sheriff's Dept. and the Courts Sleep in the Same Bed


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Lindsay Lohan again skates off by not being held accountable for her misdeeds. How many times does this celebrity wannabe get a break? She was recently sentenced to 30 days in jail and when she reported to do her time the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department once again let her off of the hook. She spent less than five hours incarcerated in jail. What a joke.

The sheriff has given this party girl a pass on previous occasions. In fact when she was sentenced in 2007, she only spent 84 MINUTES in custody. Talk about star struck law enforcement. The sheriff has his own idea of punishment of celebrities versus average everyday citizens.

If this troublesome, flaky lady was ordered to serve 30 days then she should have done the time of thirty days. The problem is not only the Sheriff. In fact, the judge should have taken into account that the Sheriff would use the excuse of overcrowding in the jail system so he could release Lohan.

If the judge knew or suspected that the sheriff would release Lohan early(like he has done in the past) then the judge should have given a stiff sentence of possibly a year in jail and then, Lohan may have served a full 30 days. What a joke this early release program is. If a person commits a crime and is sentenced to 30 days, 6 months or a year that criminal should do the time, with time off for good behavior.

It clearly shows that the court system and the law-enforcement in California plays favorites as to who does time and who gets a free pass.

How many bites of the apple does this Lohan get before she has to do real time in jail? Her free passes gives her the incentive to go out and steal again, or use drugs again or become involved in automobile accidents again and know that she will not be held responsible for her actions, "just because she is who she is", a half baked trouble making celebrity.

The Sheriff's Department put out a press release that Lohan did not get any favors. They went on to say: "She's treated like any other inmate who has gone through similar circumstances." Really? If you believe that, I have a big bridge in New York that I will sell you. -And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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