The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Anchor Baby Travel Business Has To Be Eliminated


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Our lawmakers have been falling down on the job over and over again. Let's just take one instance, the "ANCHOR BABY" problem. The United States has allowed a special travel industry which I would like to call the "Baby Travel Service. " And, we citizens have allowed Congress to continue this outrageous practice. People from all over the world but mostly from our neighbors to the South pay thousands of dollars to these travel companies to have their baby delivered on American soil. For example, Since 2003 Turkey imported 12,000 pregnant women allowing them to give birth here in the USA. Christ, in all the Southwest border towns in Mexico you can find flashing billboards that advertise the "baby travel service." Some signs read: "Do you want to have your baby in the U.S.?

Currently, once the illegal baby is born on United States soil that baby automatically receives an enormous benefits package, courtesy of good ol' Uncle Sam. The babies receive Medicaid, including the cost of the birth. They receive immediate temporary assistance, food stamps, donated clothes, housing and other benefits.

Since the baby receives the giveaway package of benefits that baby immediately shares all of them with the illegal alien parents.

A bonus for the baby being born in the USA is that when baby grows up to be an adult, he or she can legalize their parents and bring them into the United States. They can also bring into the USA a foreign-born spouse and any foreign-born siblings. Then, whoppee! A big bonus. - - All of these people can then bring in their own extended families. This outrageous policy is called "chain migration." What a deal for illegal aliens! Wow!

Kudo's to Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa who has taken the bull by the horns and is pushing a bill, H.R. 140, an effort to define citizenship. The bill basically says that the "subject to the jurisdiction" phrase in the 14th. Amendment means that a baby born in the United States is a U.S. citizen only if one parent is a U.S. citizen, or a "lawfully" admitted resident alien, or an alien on active duty in the United States armed forces.

All of these amnesty lovers claim that the 14th. Amendment allows citizenship to "everyone", "all people or persons" that are born on United States soil, but these amnesty pushing lawmakers and amnesty groups never recognize or tell you that they are not finishing the text as it is written. The remaining text reads: "you can claim citizenship only if you are "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

Folks, the 14th. Amendment denied citizenship to the American Indians. How is that for a shocker? American Indians clearly were born in the United States. Another tidbit,-- Congress did not grant citizenship status to the American Indian on Indian reservations until 1924.

I would offer that babies who are born in the United States to any illegal alien is certainly a citizen of their mother's home country. People, if the baby is granted United States citizenship that would mean that there is the distinct possibility of dual citizenship status and since the United States does not and has never recognized dual citizenship there is a big problem rearing its ugly head.

I submit that if any anchor baby has a citizenship status in the country of their parents origin they should not and cannot be a citizen of the United States , Why? In order to be a U.S. citizen the immigrant is required by U.S. law to swear allegiance to the United States and that immigrant has to renounce any and all allegiance to the country they came from.

There is no mistaking the requirements and solemn oath that all naturalized Americans takes when they raise their hand. It states: "I hereby declare, on oath, that I ABSOLUTELY and ENTIRELY RENOUNCE and abjure all ALLEGIANCE and FIDELITY to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen--- SO HELP ME GOD." If any naturalized citizen, (Anchor Baby) who claims a dual citizenship status with their native country is betraying his/her oath. People, you are either an American citizen or a citizen of another country. You cannot have it both ways. You can't be half way pregnant. Our laws here in America DO NOT recognize dual status so it's an either or situation.

Senator Russel Pearce and Rep. John Kavanagh , representing Arizona has a bill that runs alongside the 14th. Amendment and says: A United States citizen is " for the purposes of this statute, a person who owes NO allegiance to any foreign sovereignty." I believe is a great bill. The bill would also create two types of birth certificates . One certificate would be for those children of citizens and the other would be for children of "illegal aliens." I think that is fair. With clarification like that we would save billions of dollars a year in freebies such as food stamps, education, and heath care. If the baby is not a citizen they should not and their parents should not be entitled to the same benefits that a United States citizen can avail themselves of.

Over 75 percent of the people in this nation want our government to get a handle on our immigration problem and over one half of the population want to stop this "Baby Travel Service" fiasco where a pregnant illegal alien woman can enter the U.S. and drop a baby at United States taxpayers expense and automatically hit the bonanza jackpot.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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