The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Public Employee's Across The World Are Bankrupting Countries


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

France, what a country. They wimp out on being included in fighting wars and they relied on the United States to save their bacon and their country in WWII but yet they fight among themselves in the streets of France. What are they fighting over? Retirement age. What a joke.

Currently the French citizen can retire at only 60 years old and they're protesting and fighting the government from raising the retirement age to only 62 years old. The people say that they are entitled to retire at 60 years old and still enjoy all of the lucrative social programs that have been given them for decades. They receive long vacations each year and the strong unions in France make it very hard to fire any worker and they enjoy a state- subsidized health care system.

President Nicolas Sarkozy is trying to get a handle of the out of control spending by the government. In this case he's right.

What? The lazy French citizen can't work until they are at least 62 years old? Come on! The French currently have a great social and health care system so having to work until 62 years old is not unreasonable. French people, quit sniveling and suck it up.

It should be noted that the United Kingdom is tightening their belt also. The British government is also raising retirement age to 67 years old and they are firing many Public Employee's. Hooray for them. The United States should take a page from their play book.

Here in the United States our early retirement is 62 years old for all private sector workers, the average Joe and Jane Doe. The retirement requirements has increments up to 67 years old and it may be raised even higher.

However, I should mention that here in the USA our public employees (policemen, firemen, teachers and others) with their strong unions also have it so they can put in approximately 20 years and retire with 75 to 95 percent of their salary based on the last three to five years of work. It is not uncommon for many of these public employees to retire at the age of 55 years old with full pension benefits and health care and then they take on a new job elsewhere.

The United States should make it a requirement that all public employee's have to work until they are at least 62 years old like all of the people in the private sector.

Federal, State, County and City employees here in the United States should be subject to the same retirement, pension and health packages that the people working in the private sector have to depend on. Example,- 401(k) retirement and pension plans instead of the customized union devised plans. The public employee's should have to pay into the social security system like private sector workers and public employee's should have to pay for health insurance for themselves and their families like the private sector worker does.

With our current system of having our lawmakers coddle and pander to the public employee's and their unions is a road map to disaster. The bloated salaries, pensions and retirement and health plans given these public employee's is bankrupting many cities and states. That is a fact!

Some cities trying to avoid bankruptcy fire everyone but the Public Safety officers like policemen and firemen. There should be no exceptions. Police and firemen should be fired like any other employee. I predict once these policemen and firemen feel the pain of losing their job like everyone else they will come to their senses and realize that their greedy union demands are not acceptable. Kudos to those cities that have actually laid off or fired policemen and firemen. All that means is that the one's who remain on the job will have to pick up the slack and work a little harder. That is what all other professions do when a person gets laid off or fired. And guess what? The companies or businesses continue on showing that work can be done with less people. But until some of these policemen and firemen are fired they will never negotiate with lawmakers in a fair manner when it comes to salary and benefits.

If I were a Governor, Mayor, etc., I would do as Ronald Reagan did with the air traffic controller's. He fired all of them and started over. A clean slate and do over would make believers out of these greedy public employee's and their unions. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

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