The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Continued Job Benefits Have To Stop. 10 Billion Dollars A Month? Rediculous.


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Once again job benefits is an issue in Congress.Republican Senator Tom Coburn,R-Okla is insisting that the measure be "paid for" so as not to add to the nations $12.7 trillion dollar debt. In this instance I agree.

A stopgap law enacted early this month extends through April 5 unemployment insurance benefits for people who have been out of work for more than six months. A short term extension at a cost of $10 billion dollars for a thirty day period is the price tag.After that the Democrats want to work on a long-term measure that will provide these unemployment benefits to a person through the end of next year. Wow!

These lawmakers should be anxious about these continued extended unemployment benefits,especially when it costs us taxpayers a whopping $10 billion dollars a month.

I can recall years ago when I was growing up that when a person went on unemployment they received the benefit for a period of 13 weeks and then if the person was still unemployed and could prove they were actively seeking work they received an extension of another 13 weeks. But after that 13 week extension the benefits stopped.

I do not begrudge any person drawing unemployment but it should only be for a specific time period(with a termination date) for that individual. Now, the benefits go on and on, at a cost of $10 billion dollars a month. That is unacceptable and is a very large burden on the middle class and all taxpayers.

Right now there have been some people receiving unemployment benefits for two years and still collecting.

It is apparent that some of these people currently receiving the unemployment benefits are clearly abusing the system and all taxpayers.

The incentive of going out and actually looking and/or finding a job is nil. Some of these individuals on unemployment have the attitude that why should they look for or find work when they can go into a state office once or twice a month and receive a free check to survive on.

Many of these same people do not want to take a position that they feel is beneath them. They refuse to consider jobs that pay them less that they were earning in their previous job. I have had some people that are collecting unemployment benefits tell me that they will not consider taking a job that pays a salary that is close to what they are making on unemployment because it's not worth the effort.

I believe that anyone can find some type of job that pays an equivalent amount that unemployment pays within months. Yet, as stated earlier many of these people have been collecting unemployment benefits for over TWO YEARS.

I submit that there has to be a point when the state unemployment office tells the person, "no more benefits", "your benefits have expired", "they have come to and end".

13 weeks, 26, weeks? I can see that, that is a helping hand. But people, two years and over? Come on! I would suggest that once a person is on unemployment for these extended long periods of time they are so accustomed to receiving the benefits with no effort on their part that they actually give up looking for a job.

There are jobs out there. It may not be in the same field that the person worked in previously and it may not pay what the person expects, but it is a job.

A steady stream of guaranteed income from the government every month being paid to millions of people for not working is actually generating a separate class in society adding to a welfare group.

There isn't anyone that would like to receive a check from Uncle Sam each and every month just for showing up at a government office and signing their name. In this case of extension after extension of job benefits, without accountability and responsibility the taxpayer is being hit very hard with the price tag of $10 billion dollars each month.

The Congress has to stop doling out billions of dollars a month for unemployment benefits without holding each individual receiving those benefits accountable and they should actually set a specific number of weeks any person can collect benefits and then shut that person down. Terminate the benefits. Enough is enough.

The old rule of 13 weeks of unemployment benefits and an extension of an additional 13 weeks is more than reasonable and the person collecting those benefits will actually know they have to find a job within six months. That is incentive. That person will know that after six months, no more handouts. If a person cannot find any kind of work in six months I suggest there is something the matter going on with that person.

Where is the old work ethic that was adhered to by our ancestors over the past few decades? Their battle cry was "I'll take any type of job, even if it's washing dishes". Any job that the person takes will in turn dump money back into our treasury. No matter how distant from their old occupation that persons employment will contribute to our economy and give the individual something to be proud of. On the other hand, those billions of dollars a month being handed out from the treasury does nothing but enable the unemployed while the employed people continue to support them.

Congress has to stop bleeding our treasury dry and one of the first baby steps would be to immediately stop spending 10 billion dollars a month on a merry-go-round of unemployment benefits.- And, that's my opinion

Dr.Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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