The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, December 17, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

The health plan is now in the crapper.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the public option is not mandatory.After meeting with President Obama the Democrats now have a new song to sing. They are all singing from the same page. This is the lyrics: "The health plan is about framework and getting only some small changes now will let Congress get more and improve the plan years from now". They say-" we can have a good health plan by building on the foundation".Even Senator Ron Wyden,(D) from Oregon went on the Rachel Maddow show and spouted the exact same gobbly-gook tune. All Obama wants now is to protect his chances of reelection and he will do anything to achieve that goal.

First the Dems took a a single pay plan off of the table from the git-go, out of the gate. Then President Obama chose not to get behind the plan but instead decided to "let Congress handle it" and he said he wanted to get Republicans on board even thought he and all of the Democrats and the general public knew that the Republicans clearly refused to get behind any plan or agenda the President put forward. The President chose not to get involved and he failed to be strong. It appears this President, through all of his talk,is a fence sitter.

The President and his White House aides and the Democrats sold us a bill of goods. They asked us to put all of the Democrats in office and if we did give them the 60 people they needed there would be no stopping change. What a bag full of garbage they dumped on our doorstep. They lied to us.

President Obama tells his Democrats that all he wants is some kind of a health bill. He just wants some anemic "I don't care what" bill passed.The entire health care plan is on life-support but now the Dems say something is better than nothing. I disagree! This entire health plan should be a deep-six.

As it stands now the only ones that will benefit from any plan that the Democrats offer is the insurance companies . They will get millions of customers and those customers will be forced to buy insurance or be fined. The President, his White House staff and the Democrats are a bunch car salesmen. "Do I have a deal for you"---

The Dems promised to stick together to get things done, they promised changes and to get laws and legislation passed for the greater good of America. But what do they do? They fight among themselves and the President doesn't have enough grit to tell the Senators who left the reservation that they should vote his agenda or else.

Currently there are nine or ten Democratic Senators, and a number of Republicans both men and women, that can only be described as prostitutes. They take tens of thousands of dollars, if not millions from the insurance companies and they have the gall to appear on television and try to convince us that money has nothing to do with their vote. These sleazy prostitutes turn so many tricks for the insurance company and do the companies bidding that they all could work in a brothel in Nevada on their days off. Hell, all of these paid for Senators have an ongoing "Lewinsky" type relationship with the insurance companies. An example,--Senator Liebermann has a majority of insurance companies operating out of his state and his nose is so far up the butt of those companies a person would need a crow bar to disengage him from their butt.

Besides falling down on the job of providing a health plan with a government option or a medicare buy-in this Congress has us taxpayers in a money-pit and they have passed an approximate $1.1 trillion spending bill and want a debt ceiling of 14 trillion dollars to increase the size of government.

President Obama promised to veto any spending bill with earmarks in it. Again, a lie. The level of spending this White House and Congress is doing will bury any economic recovery - -but wait, in that spending bill these greedy money-grabbers hid a a raise in the bill of at least 2 percent, if not more for all "federal workers", who by the way are currently making between 30% and 50% more in wages that those in the private sector. And these idiots have the audacity to say senior citizens have to forgo their annual measly 1.7-2.7 COLA in 2010 and maybe 2011.

Also, if I were a betting man I'd wager that these same politicians that insure their raises will also give themselves their annual raise again in 2010. Remember, these politicians have a great clause in their employment contract with the people of the United States. They automatically get a super raise each and every year "unless they themselves vote" to reject it. Do ya think ?- And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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